COMD3504 - Section OL06 - Fall 2020

Month: December 2020 (Page 5 of 5)

Assignment 13 for December 9

It should be perfectly clear by now that final research projects are due on December 9. If any expectations or requirements are unclear, please refer to the posted Guidelines, or if you have any questions regarding topics and research please email me:

As stated, there are 2 items to post before class on the 9th. They are as follows:
(1) a PDF of your presentation. This should be the same document that you will use for your presentation, exported from PowerPoint, InDesign, or whatever program you use to design it.
(2) your bibliography, also saved as a PDF. Remember, in addition to class readings, you must include 10 sources from library databases.

Both of these items can be uploaded to a single Post.

It sounds like we’ll have some very interesting presentations in the next couple of weeks. Please be ready to get them rolling right at 2:30 on the 9th!

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