These artists wanted to renew different media or art to focus on its function. Bayer wanted to remove the aesthetics of typography and change the way grammar works to suit the new no serif and no capital letters in his universal typeface. Bayer also thinks that different languages pose a barrier to typography and how we communicate using typography. I think that combining photography and typography is already proving to be effective at communicating a thought or concept. Functionality over form has made new inventions like responsive design. Medias should combine to improve the message that one wants to convey. As Moholy-Nagy said, photography has aid typography in advertisement, the combination of the message in typographic format and the image to further point what this message is about. Language can determine the typography and more, Bayer himself removed “unnecessary” design to fonts and mentioned that the grammar must change to fit this design. He removes capital letters as he deemed it non-essential aspects of fonts and created his universal typeface. The education should bring out the creative side of the artist and remove outside expectations of aesthetic and works that don’t become real live project or apply to their field. Well, the idea of not connecting the students work with real projects is something that most people nowadays would consider them like a waste of time and not productive, as the end goal is to work in a particular field. In today’s age fonts are expected to be readable and legible and so sans serif is a more common, font although fonts still use capital letters.