Media has become a major role in human society ever since the invention of the first light bulb. No matter where you go or even if you stay at home. Media will always be around you somehow. The media has been so engraved in the human life that it is capable of changing how one lives out their lives. Thats how much of a extension to the human race technology advancement along with the media has become apart of us. It has become in a way both a blessing and a curse to how its used, seen and how we react to them.

One of the many positive examples to media and technological progression is the computer, and cell phones of today. Each one has been given access to the internet and it allows many people around the world to connect and have access to vast amount of information but it also gives companies a chance to connect with us as well and attempt at selling their products. As this can work for good reasons, there are big hazards for such advancements like this and that is how much it can effect and change someone without a second thought. When new technology rolls out people must have it, people talk, walk and drive everywhere with phones in their hands. We are so focused on these things that life outside of it can just fly by us and we wouldn’t know. Humans have become nearly reliant to technology for everything and nearly anything in life without knowing. As well as people believing in a vast amount of false information that the media shares though these advancements. This is one of the many risks that come with it.

The roles designers play in this is almost second place more than anything. When new ideas come into view designers are to introduce the idea to the world somehow. Introduce them to grab their attention and give people a reason to want these new things in their lives. What good is a TV if it has nothing to show? What good is a radio if theres nothing to listen to? What good is a video game console if theres nothing to play on it? With every new invention there has to come an artist or designer to show “Why you must have it”. They have to put the consumer in mind but with these new ideas, designers have to get the information out there. That is when the designers creations and information that they want to distribute becomes secondary. The media a designer uses is primary all because without said media, the information they want to show and distribute wouldn’t get out to the world. We provide the info but it’s how we get it out what matters.