The transmission of thoughts and ideas has evolved over time and society has to adapt to new means for sharing information. We communicate through various mediums, making our interactions much more efficient. McCluhan has the value of the message being more than just the element transported through different mediums. As the media became more accessible, it became very easy for people to gain access to new information and make learning much easier than it used to be. The easy access to new knowledge or belief may not always be in the greater interest. Media has challenged our beliefs and core values, pushed people to question their morals and stances.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we have to adapt to changes consistently occurring in our surroundings. New trends emerge every day and old skeptics become new believers every single day. The power of innovation cannot be halted nor paused. Every new technology or trend was born out of risk. The will to affect a change that fits our current way of life, fixing a problem that perhaps not many has foreseen. Every creator, artist needs the gut to create something new even if they will be faced with backlash, as it is a right of passage.

The more we extend the reach of the media, the less grasp we have on our free will. Not that we feel forced to change or to adapt to new ways but rather carried into the masses. We start to lose grip on what we believe to be true and what we are told to be a certain way. From the way we educate ourselves, inform ourselves, and navigate our everyday social life, we have become part of a giant spinning machine that we created rather consciously or not.