Design today have become a boundless market that is always changing. With the changes going on in the world today, design keeps evolving to keep up with the times. The design of everyday objects has become an art form, items that are aesthetically pleasing draw consumers in. Consumers these days want beautiful designs with function that can also be affordable, making a designer work harder to please consumers.

            Designers in the world today play many roles. They are artist and manufactures, having a wide range of knowledge to help better communicate their message with consumers. Designers today know about techniques, forms, colors printing and psychological function. They concern themselves with function which helps communicate and bridge the between products and consumers.

            Having an understanding of both the creative and manufacturing process, helps them go beyond other creative occupations. A sculptor can sculpt but cannot always tell you how their work will be consumed, while designers concern themselves with how consumers will take in their work. Designers have to think about unsolvable theoretical questions because these questions many times lead to the future of design. Design has changed immensely over the last 100 years; designers create change by solving the unsolvable.

            Technology has made changes to a designer’s job, by allowing designers to better understand the process of how things are created. Instead of drawing or writing something and sending it to a printing press to create it, they can now use technology like computers, tablets, scanners, and printers to bring their designs to life by themselves. They are more involved in the presses instead of waiting for results from a printing press. Designers today can catch mistakes along their creative process and fix them right away unlike in the times before technology when a designer relayed on a team of people to create.

            An urgent problem designer face today is social responsibility. Designers want to design things that they believe in and want to show their self-expression in their work but they must find a way to do it responsibly. They must be able to create content ethically while maintaining their personal political and cultural beliefs untarnished. It is up to the designer to accept or reject projects that can be associated to them especially in today’s world where people are very divided.