According to the authors, design is something that constantly changes throughout time and how everyone defines it in different ways. “Techniques change and new materials are discovered, and with every innovation the problem arises again and the form of the object may change”. A lot of artists spend time thinking how they can solve a problem or how can they can design something but  rarely do they ask why. It also speaks about how art can be visible yet invisible because there seems to be a separation between the people and art. Art Is everywhere yet not to many people stop to think the purpose of the design or who may have created or thought of such style. With so many things changing its important to be clear on the message you want to show to the consumer or client. Designers should have an open mind and be able to rise up to the challenges of our society like in the twentieth century. 

What distinguishes all fields of art and design from each other is based on how they view the situation and how they choose to communicate it. As time goes by technology advances more and some people might choose different types of methods to design. Its important for artists and designers to be concerned about the social changes in the world so they can be more open minded and look for ways in which they can contribute through their art. When you look back at work done in the twentieth century, you can see the issues that were going on at that time and how every artist chose to convey that.

Technology has become very important for artists and designers because they can easily spread their work all around the world and be able to get inspired from others as well. Not only that but it helps artists and designers communicate with each other a lot more quicker.They also have easier access to tools online. BUT with that can also come “criticism”. For example artists will have to be a lot more careful with the message they are putting out  because now that almost everyone can view it, not everyone will agree. It can become a way for others to get a sense on how you think and view the worlds problems. A designer can be responsible for this problem because they should find it a “duty” to go out of there way and explore new ideas, new opinions, and see what can arise from them. Being able to express yourself through art and design is very important because it can say so little yet impact a change in the world.