Glenn Compitello September 16th

Linguistics is the study of language and Semiology is the study of signs used in communication. Both usually work together but most people do get confused between the meaning of the both. Some people thought Semiology is only used in writing but it’s used in everyday life such as signs for bathrooms and road signs. I learned in the article was that the only way language can exist is from past communication systems actually working rather it being a completely new thing. Language can always takes from the past and present for it to stay around. Additionally, if a language doesn’t take from present times it can turn into a dying communication system.

Another interesting take away from the text is the idea that speech is psychological concept of ideas. This really relates to how semiology is used in communication, due to the fact that talking takes the use of social cues. Social cues are signs, I might not be as in depth as semiology in writing. In speech, when having a conversation with another. Our minds are using semiology to create thoughts psychologically.

Communication design is related to visual arts because they both use similar language and are visually aesthetic. Design is a form of visual art with its composition the only difference is the graphic design principles. Most graphic design principles are equivalent to the grammar of contrast.

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