i only have a few questions

According to Borthes, there is always a structure of an image or a hierarchy. There are always relations of the text to an image and several meaning that can be picked up on first glance and by observing for longer periods of time.

Polysemous” –  “poses a question of meaning and this question always comes through as a dysfunction, even if this dysfunction is recuperated by society as a tragedy”

Borthes describes how words began to coincide with images in modern forms of media such as film dialogue, comics, picture books and news articles.

Anchorage is more commonly shown in news articles, photographs and advertisement. On the other hand, relay is shown in films, cartoons and comics.

The Panzani advertisement is a good representation of the three messages

Borthes gives a definition of lexicon and uses it a lot throughout this last pages. A lexicon to him is ” A portion of the symbolic plane (of language) which corresponds to a body of practices and techniques”. He compares this to people’s idiolects, speech habits of a person.