This was an Adidas ad campaign on women sport. It tackle women stereotypes and spin it on it’s head. There were multiple of posters like this but with changes to the words and images relating to the product. The slogan feels like it is speaking towards people that think these stereotypes. I think this ad was successful conveying that message.
This is a poster by burger king to promote a scholarship for women that are studying to be a chef. The problem is not the serve but the huge slogan. The slogan is common stereotype towards women. while the more important information is a much smaller type size. It’s obvious that they were looking for shock value but it triggers such a negative emotion. It also does not help that they released this on twitter with just that slogan on international women day.
Adidas’ 2017 Boston Marathon advertisement was sent through email. It is clear that the product are clothing with special designs for the design. There is no problem with the design, but with the choice of words in the subject. It says “Congrats, you survived the Boston Marathon!” Adidas failed to take into account of a bombing that happened 4 years ago.
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