Jan Tschichold was a German typography that design books using san serif as a typeface. he was interested in graphic arts in the age of 15 until he attended a teacher training college in Grima than was invited to start teaching in graphic arts and book production around the age of 21. in 1923 he was introduced to the modern movement in which he adopted his modern style until 1933 Tschichold modern idea were viewed as corrupted and degenerate which Nazis feared his new radical typography and sent him a concentration camp. with all of his career and legacy Tschichold went through two major style transform his modern style was based on all san serif in texts with asymmetrical alignments and when he immigrated or moved to Switzerland he denounced his previous style completely and changed his serif typefaces with center alignments in which he published several books explaining his classical style of graphic design. Tschichold understood that types fundamental purpose is to communicate however that great design plays an essential role in that communication.

Karl Gerstner was a European artist that design through visual and writing . he believe one design should be define through precision and logic .Karl explores art physically sumptuously also with formal clarity he also wrote a book about historical philosophical and psychological aspect of color in a series of essays showing examples from Aristotle to Andreas Peyser from Gautier to max lusha and showing how it apply to his own work design of color.

Josef Muller Brockman was a swiss graphic designer and teacher. he studied architecture, design and history of art at both the university and kunstgewerbeschule in Zurich . in 1963 he establishing his own Zurich studio specializing in graphics exhibition design and photography By the 1950s he was established as the leading practitioner and theorist of the swiss style , which sought a universal graphic expression through a grid based design purged of extra neous illustration and subjective feeling. he was a modern typographer that develop the grid in graphic design introducing from Europe first than north America. by 1958 – 1965 he started spreading his ideas publishing books and magazines. he continue teaching by inspiring a lot of designers until he passed away in 1996 when left a a final speech message stating that design show be shown as a surface meaning a grid , a knowledge of the rules that govern legibility .