Language is a system of expression in which things are assigned names and an association between concepts and sound-images is formed. Language is distinct from other forms of communication because it is the most prominent form of communication. It is used by everyone every day, and is always everyone’s concern. It is spread throughout society and is in turn manipulated by it. Other forms of communication, such as nautical signs, religious rites, etc., involve only a specific number of people for a limited amount of time, whereas language involves everybody at all times. It blends with life and society and is conserved by society. Symbols and icons are bound to language, and language itself is a product of historical forces and heritage, it is something inherited. Therefore, symbols and icons can not be modified. They are unchangeable and resist any arbitrary substitution for that very reason. 

Saussure describes communication through signs, which is made up of the signifiers and signified. The signifier is the sound-image, which is the psychological imprint of sound and the impression that it has on our senses. The signified is referred to as the concept, which is generally more abstract. The same goes for graphic communication which is also known as writing, or written language.

The symbols that were created historically for counting were set in stone, quite literally and figuratively because the symbol for a sheep would never be used to count anything other than sheep. Having said that, design can be seen similarly because a good design will not be associated with anything other than the brand it was meant for. For example, global successful brands such as Coca Cola would never be associated with anything besides soda because it is recognizable and unmistakably Coca Cola, whereas language can be interpreted objectively because it provides no imagery, leaving the listener/reader to their own imagination. Language and design go hand in hand, design itself is like a language with no words. Design is more of a nonverbal aesthetic language that uses the subconscious mind to understand. Language is being used indirectly in design, we may understand an icon but behind that understanding was a process in which we had to have been directly able to recognize it to begin with.