This is my term paper for my Oral Anatomy class that was written my first semester in the Dental Hygiene program. In this paper I discussed the differences between Oral health/dental care in the United States, compared to countries in Asia where dental health care plan is non existent. This paper reflected on how for-profit dental practices did more harm to patients than good.
LAhmed – Term Paper (Oral Anatomy)
Attached is my presentation that I did for Histology and Embryology class, also during the first semester of the Dental Hygiene program. My topic was teratogens and how teratogens can affect a developing fetus. In my presentation, I focused mostly on teratogens that can have orofacial defects.
This is a paper I wrote about smoking cessation. As dental hygienists it is so important for us to counsel our patients who are smokers on quitting their habit. This assignment was very personal for me, as I used to be a smoker myself. Having quit smoking about 7 years ago, I feel very passionate about counseling and motivating others to quit smoking as well.
This was a writing assignment that we did during our first semester of seminar in the program. It was a very interesting assignment and learning experience. It forced me to think creatively about solutions regarding OHI and my patients.
This paper is an article analysis I did on a 30-year follow up of a Swedish Cohort, where a study was conducted to determine whether or not there was a link between people who have periodontal disease, and people who have autoimmune diseases. I chose this article to do an analysis on because I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in December of 2020, so this topic really piqued my interest.