HW for November 13

Hi class,

Thanks for your hard work yesterday.  For homework, as mentioned, please read parts I and II (86-top of 101).  Use the guiding questions we had in class to breakdown your readings.  Blog group 2 is free to write a Create, Clue, or Connect post by 5 pm Sunday (you all should have a clear sense of each category by now – interpret as you wish).

Fair warning: there is a lot of scientific discourse in the first part of this story.  One question you might ask yourselves: can scientific writing be exciting??


Professor Kwong

HW for November 9

Hi class,

Great discussion today.  As mentioned in class, Essay 2 is due at the beginning of Wednesday’s class, in both hard copy form and online.  You can get the handout on brainstorming and outlining for Essay 2 here: 10-2essayoutlineexercise.  It’s your responsibility to make sure that your final draft is printed and stapled by 11:30 am sharp!  If you’re late, unfortunately your paper will be marked late too.

No homework other than finishing your Essay – in addition to which, you should bring your Course Packet.  We’ll be beginning discussion of “At The Mountains of Madness.”  Blog posting will resume after Wednesday’s class.  Please make note of the revised blog schedule, under Course Schedule – particularly, when your assigned group is supposed to post.

best wishes for the final stretch of Essay 2!

Professor Kwong

HW for Nov 7

Hi class,

Hope you’re well.  A quick reminder that the only homework this weekend is to work on Essay 2, due 11/9, online and at the beginning of class.  Use your notes from class as a guide.  Bring Moreau and “At the Mountains of Madness” (in the course packet) to class on Monday.


Professor Kwong

Create; the dog-man

Dear Master Prendick:

I’m a faithful to you master ever since we met at the beach. I’m more than faithful, I’m your slave. I will take care of you while you sleep and I will watch your back from the horrible hyena- swine. Although most of my race are angry and are fools for believing that our master is dead. They believe that having a master is pain and torture, but not for me master. Having you as a master and having a Law is a blessing. You are a powerful master you can do anything you want. If you want to kill them all you can, because you are our master.
With love from the dog-man

While reading these chapters the question of why is the dog-man so faithful was brought to my attention. I believe the importance of the dog is how prendick wasn’t meant to be alone even from the beginning of the story. After dr Moreau and Montgomery die, he still have his faithful dog-man. In addition the reason this dog is so faithful is probably because based on reality dog the most faithful animal to men. Although the island had its beautiful view and a dog next to prendick it was like reality yet turning to the dark side of the dog still not being a regular dog and having the creature hyena swine hunting him.

Clue Blog Post

My snap shot is 146 to the middle of pg.147, “There was nothing for it but courage….. found half a dozen cartridges in his pocket”.

My guiding question was how will Prendick relationship with the beast men change and how will it affect him. This snapshot shows a clue at how Prendick treats these beast people and how he looks at them. It also provides a clue onto how Wells decides to convey the novel through the style of the text. It’s easy to note that Prendick has been having strange thoughts and inferring many things from the beast people but in this snapshot it showed more of his true thoughts and rationalization on how he really saw them. “There was nothing for it but courage”. Even though it doesn’t show any real evidence on how he felt towards them, it was generally just saying that even through his fear he had to do what he had to do to survive and the best way to accomplish that would be to use these beast people and show no signs of doubt. The style also gives us a hint in how the Prendick feels towards the beast men especially since he says “None escape”. Prendick hasn’t recited the prayer with the beast people since the he came back to the enclosure showing not only does he want to keep this Law in place to keep himself safe, he also wants to control these beast people for as long as possible to escape the island and leave these horrors behind.