Author Archives: Kevin

Internship 7

As I was sick during week 6, I was assigned to work virtually with any remaining photos to edit. However, I was able to recover by the 7th week. It was very important for my to inform my instructor and supervisor regarding my health on time and to keep my co-workers and clients as safe as possible.
During week 7 I attended another event to photograph and edit, this time being a nutritional workshop which raises awareness on health and food. This event also required participants to arrive at a farmers food market so they can get a better understanding on what to look for when purchasing fruits and vegetables in particular. While the weather was not as desirable in terms of coldness and winds, I made sure to work within my environment and takes photos of the attendees and workshop instructor interacting. The photos had to be edited to remove or at least blur out any unnecessary background elements and to adjust the lighting to make things look more clear.

Observing vegetables such as beets and onions at farmers market

Self Evaluation

From my experience during my internship, I have gained and learned many different experiences that may prepare me for the future in the working field. From time management to staying organized, my internship provided challenges that I would have to overcome.
I have come to learn and understand how important it is the contact my supervisor and keep informed on what to do and what to do following a strict schedule. Even when the schedule has to change due to events or other circumstances, I still have to keep track of what I have done so far in terms of work.
Another things I have also learned from my time during this semester is to keep a steady and calm mind even when things don’t go as planned. From work not uploading properly online, to some mistakes I might have made when editing work, I try to be more careful and redo some work when possible.

Internship 5

While I have worked independently with my photography, there are certain events where more than one person has to cover. I sometimes work with a intern who is responsible with video recording events and collaborate with this intern to find the best moments to record and what angles to do so from. There are also times we ask each other for advice or opinions on each other’s work so far.
This event we have collaborated with was a cosplay event, where students dressed up as different characters from varied fictional media to either express their interests or compete in a contest for the best voted costume design. The intern I worked with during this event would give recommendations on which student in different costumes to try getting photos of or certain interactions occurring.
These collaborations proved to be successful, even during events that are busy and vast such as this one.

Internship 4

My experience with this internship so far has taught me to keep alert during any events, even if there is seemingly nothing occurring as certain actions can only be photographed once or a minimal amount of times.
This example especially applies to the second student leadership workshop, when the instructor is mostly speaking there might not be much occurring that one could deem photo worthy. However, there are times the attendees have to respond, participate, or even react to the instructor which each happen in a short amount of time. I always have to stay alert if and when these occur.
I also learned to retake many photos even if the first few are seemingly perfect as is, this is just in case my supervisor is looking for something else within a photo, or specific details needing to be highlighted or edited out. Lastly I have to learn from mistakes or failure, some photos I have taken are approved but there are also some that weren’t which is understandable. I will keep trying to improve my work.

Students standing up to participate in a student leadership workshop example.

Internship 3

The culture of my internship workplace is small, but also easy to see and interact with others. As everyone’s time is brief with their work, some conversations were short and mostly related to the work itself. However the interns and employees I have interacted with were helpful when I need assistance with something or something as simple as greeting them. And we were allowed small breaks to either use to restroom or eat a light snack, this is to ensure we have enough time to do our work yet have enough free space from time to time.
For this session I have attended a 50 years of Hip Hop event, this was to bring awareness to the importance of the music genre and how it affected or relates to different cultures and people alike. This event proved to be a challenge not only due to the unique lighting changing constantly during the music concert section, but also ensuring I am able to take photos from different angles within a compact yet larger area that is the auditorium.

Internship 2

My role within the internship company is currently the role of a photographer, as I am assigned to attend certain events occurring City Tech campus and take photographs there. These photos must show actions and interactions occurring and must be taken clearly, once taken I must show these photos to my supervisors for approval to edit and later submit onto a shared Dropbox.
As for my first event to attend, it was a Student Leadership Workshop. Students in attendance are taught the importance of understanding well beings among one another and how to maintain certain situations that may occur related to college work in relation to their personal lives. This event had taught me many things, from the importance of getting approval for photos, to getting multiple photos from different angles or under certain lighting. This event may had been small with not a lot occurring, but even a small event is deemed important within Cuny and for its students to bring awareness for.
Finally, I had to reviews these photos and have them edited in Adobe Lightroom to either adjust colors or crop and re-align the image to fit a certain aspect ratio required.

Internship 1

The company I am working for during my internship session is a private company that specializes in creating and maintaining the social media, videos, and images related to the City Tech campus.
The company itself is located in a section of a larger building, and is in a office with a select number of employees and other interns in attendance.
The company keeps track of different events and occasions related to the college campus and covers said events to bring awareness to these different activities and show how students at Cuny can interact with others.

Internship and Etiquette

For many of those who are entering a career, there are some things to consider when applying or working that may affect you and your work environment. This may also apply for when entering or working at an internship.
The etiquette is important for varied reasons, from your presentation, manner of speech and interaction, and possibly how you react to certain circumstances. For examples of bad etiquette, one might say morally negative things about their workplace or colleagues if a service is not done properly, or how one may make others at their workplace feel uncomfortable with their attitude towards others.
The benefits of having good etiquette opens you to more opportunities to work with others, receiving more positive feedback, and others including yourself being more safe and positive when working. This also helps when having good etiquette during internships as it would allow you for more job opportunities and positive feedback from employers and supervisors.

November progress

Through out the month of November, there were not many events held prior to last month. However, I was not short of work to do at my internship work place.
Some weeks I worked on animated intros through Adobe After Effects that would be used for the photo montages or videos that presents the events. When working on these videos, I have learned to adapt to certain situations and further understand how to utilize the potential of After Effects.
The events I was able to attend however did allow me to provide more photos for my supervisor and continue to expand my portfolio to edit and have approved for use.

Internship Work

Below are some examples of photos I have taken during my internship work session. Each photo was taken at separate events and meant to represent the many activities on the CUNY campus that involve students and faculty alike.

This event for example was for a Nutrition Workshop that teaches the awareness and importance of eating healthy and what to look for when buying or consuming different food.

This event was for a 50 years of Hiphop concert and interview. Students were invited the auditorium to listen to the different hip hop music by varied artists throughout the year and know the significance of the genre from different points of views and cultures.

For this cosplay event, students were to dress up as different fictional characters from different franchises to express their interests to other attendees and compete in a contest for the best voted outfit.

The event below is for a Domestic Violence Awareness panel. Attendees can learn what is domestic violence, how to prevent it, as well as knowing who can help them. Trained professionals within a non profit business were in charge of maintaining the small event.

Student Leadership workshops were also among the assigned events, as they bring students together to learn the importance of class participation, working with others in group projects, and how to maintain stress and time within class sessions or work.