Mission Complete

Today was a successful day at the loft. My supervisor had given us more work to do last minute. I was swamped with the rest of the work I had to finish for my application. He told us we had to create an Ad to give to the company in order for them to view the application first. My task was to finish retouching all the tabs that I made for the 7 Train Mural App. In about an hour I was done with the application itself. As soon as that was done I hopped right onto the other task.

There were some tedious obstacles I came across while creating the ad. I had to create a “Coming Soon” banner on the side of the image. It was difficult because it needed to look like the mock up he had given us. I felt like I was working under pressure due to time constraint, but I just took it as a challenge. After consulting with my piers they had shown me an easier way to make it. I was thankful that they gave me a few tips on creating it. They showed me a new strategy on Adobe Illustrator that I can use on a daily basis for other projects.

Before you know it I was done with everything before the deadline. I was actually the first one to finish everything. I was proud of myself after showing my supervisor my work. He was amazed and excited to contact the company and present them with the application and ad. Here are some mockups of the Ad. Enjoy!

7train          2nd7