Music has always been a passion of mine. Because of it today, I’ve developed into a strong, hopeful, and independent person. My quote is “Without music, life would be a mistake.” In each project, I’ve incorporated musical notes to fit the topic of music and played around with color and type.
- For this quote project, I incorporated musical notes to fit the theme of music. For the background, I provided a black swatch. I used Minion Pro font for the text. I added a yellow swatch on “MUSIC” to add emphasis to it.
2. For this one I used a Couier Font for the text and all lower cased. I chose a white swatch for the text to give it contrast towards the red background. I also added black musical notes in the background to give it contrast towards the red and white swatches.
3. I used the same Couier font with a black swatch and emphasised”music” with a red swatch to show the key idea here. I enlarged one musical note and used a white background to give it contrast.