Internship Blog #1: The Search for Internships

My hunt first began after Senior Orientation during the fall semester. We were asked to find internships as of that time period. I was glad I already had a resume and portfolio website at my disposal. I then began applying for multiple companies on Indeed. I didn’t get any luck. Most companies didn’t proceed with my application or I  just never heard from them. I thought perhaps it had been too soon to begin applying, so I gave job hunting a break until January. Fortunately, then I got spot for a group interview for Brooklyn Navy Yards in January. I was pretty excited and hopeful to get a spot as an intern. After reading their job description and analyzing their works, it seemed interesting and something I would love doing and learn a lot more about. Unfortunately, weeks later, Brooklyn Navy Yards didn’t proceed with my application which was a bit disappointing, but that didn’t stop my future or determination from looking at many other options.