Monthly Archives: December 2012

Group Observation Project Grades are in –

As a group the grades were a much wider range than the term project – some lower and some much higher. Please read the notes pasted in blackboard for both assignments. All members of each group received the same grade … Continue reading

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Semester Project is graded and notes are available

Hi Eveyrone, The group work – for the semester has been graded. You will only receive one final grade on this project. The Final or Best grade will be the one that matters. I have pasted the same set of … Continue reading

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Topography Quiz Deadline has been extended till 8pm this evening

Hi everyone, Some of you reported problems finding the quiz – this has been corrected – sorry for the delay in giving you access. I have extended the due date/time till this Sunday evening at 8pm. I can tell from … Continue reading

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Quiz Reminder for Topography and Circulation

Remember that the take home portion – the grading assignment is due on Sunday December 2 at noon. If you were absent on Friday you must still take this quiz. Additional note to anyone absent on Friday: In addition you … Continue reading

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