Category Archives: Prof. King

Come to class prepared to work

For Wednesday you should come in prepared to work.  There will be a lot of questions about how to present your information, how to format it, what to include and what to leave out – figuring all of this out … Continue reading

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Current Work 830 Class

Fix Team Post – Use your names in the post name – add category 1 slide as a jpg – opens in a new tab Confirm – Sign and Post Team schedule on openlab Create Team OpenLab Site (one team … Continue reading

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King Test Sample Post of JPG File

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Meet Team 4

Meet team 4

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1130 Groups

Group 1 Aris,Sharif S Brown,Trevaughn Cho,Bumsung Cruz,Alberto J Group 2 Delgado,Luis Gonzalez,Fernando Haque,Ahasan Group 3 Kevelier,Ariana LichtneckerGaviria,Ivonne Martinez,James Rianchos-Guevara,Carolina Group 4 Mendoza,Alexis (Alex) Ramirez,Elizabeth Reyes,Jennifer Group 5 Lamnica,Lision Richardson,Evelyn Sennon,Jamal J Shaheen,Noor Group 6 Delacruz,Brandon Teles,Charlie Varol,Berrin Yang,Chenhui

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830 Groups

Group 1 Alava,Steven Casado,Adriana Jazmin Darkal,Mhd Fares Gimenez,Franco F Group 2 Hardy,Shaun T Hasan,Rabiul Horne,Danielle Khaydarova,Nafosat Group 3 Martinez,Francisco Mass,Kebba Ren,Ying Rodriguez,Saribel Group 4 Stegman,Scarlett M Tanjum,Tonuka Wang,Warren Yang,Alan

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Due for next class (1130 class)

Please try to complete as much of the work as possible.  We did not get to go through the assignments in as much detail as I like. Team Interview Slide – Posted on OpenLab Take a selfie of each of … Continue reading

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Due for next class (830 Class)

Team Interview Slide – Posted on OpenLab Team Schedule – Signed – Posted on OpenLab Project Selection (have 2-3 choices in order – no posting needed)

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Choose a Project

Each team needs to select a project for their semester work.  No more than two teams may select the same project to work on – first come first save. The projects can be located on the S: drive accessible from … Continue reading

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What do you see?

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