General Comments: While all of the teams seemed to show the correct zoning envelope backup information was not consistently provided to explain how you arrived at your answers. All of the zoning data (base height, setbacks, FAR, Sky Exposure) need to be shown more clearly and all of these need to be identified and dimensioned on the site plan the isometrics and the section. Please in future read my outlines and look to follow these to produce a more organized presentation.
These are the grading statistics for both classes combined:
The following are various comments on the group presentations. To know which specifically apply to your group login to Blackboard and read the grading comments.
Presentation is too short and needs to be better organized. Missing cover sheet with presentation title and team photos. Code excerpts to not consistently include chapter numbers and titles of sections. Some sections of zoning appear to be the incorrect answers – particularly sky exposure plane. Zoning envelope appears to be correct but drawings do not include any dimensions or notes. Presentation does not include any comparison of zoning allowable to the proposed building – did not answer if the building can or cannot be built as of right? Zoning proposal appear to ask for a variance but the team has not stated why it is needed and how much additional square feet they need.
Be certain lot area shown on site analysis slide is not for the whole block but just for the proposed lot. It would help to start by clearly showing which portion of the lot is to be used and then show the existing and proposed zoning map and show how the map is to be adjusted to allow the new lot to be zoned C6-2. Program of spaces is not needed as part of this presentation. Zoning envelope appears correct with dimensions – try to improve graphics so that drawing is more readable. Instead of a screen capture plot to a PDF and without color. Building Façade slide should be relabeled proposed building massing. This drawing should show the proposed building within the zoning envelope. Also work to make this more readable. Proposal should clearly spell out the area allowed on the lot and then the area of the proposed building – subtract to determine if you have extra area available or if you need more.
Presentation is incomplete. It does not clearly show the two zoning FAR options for lot 1 and lot 6 and then the options for combining the lots. Zoning envelope appears correct but lacks dimensions and reference to backup of zoning materials. Presentation does not include any backup zoning data from the zoning code. Zoning proposal needs back information – first explain the calculations the existing lots – both 1 and 6. Then show the options and why you cannot build as compared to the existing square footage of the lot. 3D zoning images are helpful but the proposal cannot show a massing is outside of the zoning envelope. The presentation is not cohesive.
On the first page where you show location and provide the characteristics of lot 1 – I would have also include lot 6 – show both. Slide 2 environs – put this first. Further slides again focus only on Lot 1 and not Lot 6 – your initial investigation should talk about both. You show the zoning envelope for Lot 1 and the proposed new lot. You should also include Lot 6 as is or the entire block. For sections the sky exposure plane should always be expressed as a ratio and not an angle. The zoning proposal is not clear – and has some inaccuracies. On the slide titled “Buy Development Rights” seems to suggest that Lot 6 has extra development rights available (which it does not). The calculations show that you have subtracted the Allowable FAR from the Overbuilt FAR and suggest that this can be used – which it cannot. In fact this calculation shows a negative value – which is a loss of buildable area. You background zoning text sections are correct – just check their application more closely. Also the entire building would be a community facility. The public plaza bonus is a good idea. The question to ask is if we increase the FAR from 6 to 6.5 as a community facility and add a public plaza will you have enough square feet to build the building.
For the purpose of a zoning presentation do not include unrelated information including the Noise diagram and elevator inspection records. While it appears you have the correct zoning code identified, It would help if the data learned from the zoning analysis was presented in an organized table (FAR, Base Wall Heights, Setbacks, Sky exposure, etc.) While your envelope massing appear correct – I am not certain why you show this multiple times – only once is needed. No calculations are shown and no descriptions of Lot 1 and Lot 6 and no description of your proposal.
Presentation does not contain enough detail. While you show the existing Lot 1 and Lot 6 you do not clearly show the proposed new lot. Work to make the calculations clearer. While your zoning envelope appears correct your drawings do not include any dimensions. You should title your sheets. It appears your first sheet is trying to say that you still need another 35,000 sq. feet which you are looking to get by a plaza bonus. If this is true you need to show a site plan showing the plaza – and its area to prove this gets you 35K in extra sq. ft.
Try to follow the outlines provided for assignments for better organization. Good that you included existing and proposed zoning maps. You could do this on one slide and the remapped C6-2 should only include the building site area – the rest of the lot remains a park. Zoning envelopes appear and include most dimensions. Add slope of sky exposure plane. Zoning envelope shows entire block and should only show the proposed building site and with an underlay of the proposed building. No calculations are included – this is a big omission from the presentation.
Check the formatting of your presentation – it formatted oddly when converted to a PDF. Your Lot 6 calculations should include the entire very large lot. You should separately show the calculations for Lot 1 and Lot 6 as is without any modifications. You need to clearly show that Lot 6 is overbuilt – but Lot 1 is not. Ask yourself the question- can I build the proposed building “As of Right” or within the limitations of the existing zoning. If not what steps can I take to be able to build the proposed building (bonus, variance etc.) Consider re-organizing the two zoning envelope slides with data and backup info – try putting all the summary info first (FAR, Setbacks, Sky Exposure – in a simple table format) and then on the second page show the zoning text backup information. One zoning sheet shows NS and WS – please don’t abbreviate and write out the words Wide and Narrow. All the zoning envelopes appear correct but they need to include dimensions, slope of sky exposure, notes as required.
Presentation would benefit from better organization. On sheet with zoning map show the proposed new zoning map with the C6-2 mapped onto the site. All backup zoning information should be shown last. There should be a summary table listing all relevant zoning info needed to create zoning envelop drawings (base height, wide/narrow, setbacks, sky exposure etc.) Be certain you have gathered all of the relevant and correct zoning information and highlight the zoning text excerpts for clarity. Missing a site plan drawn in AutoCAD showing which streets are narrow and wide (one is included in freehand calculations sheet). Good attempt at zoning calculations but setbacks are done similar to worksheets which are created for a residential project not a commercial C6-2 – rework calculations. Setbacks begin after the base height of the building or 6 stories whichever is less. Zoning envelope isometrics and sections need labels and dimensions including notation of slope of sky exposure plane. Check your modeling technique in AutoCAD as the model is roughly correct but oddly shaped from incorrect use of the subtract command. An isometric showing that the proposed building fits within the zoning envelope would be useful.