Tag Archives: splash

Md. wins SPLASH 2015 NSF Student Travel Support

Congrats to @mdarefin for winning a NSF Student Travel Support award to attend the SPLASH 2015 conference!

The US National Science Foundation has provided funding to support student attendance at SPLASH 2015. Applicants must be registered students at accredited US academic institutions. Successful applicants will be reimbursed for approved expenses, including conference student registration, travel, accommodation, and reasonable meal expenses. All reimbursements will require original receipts. Support from NSF is provided through Grant CCF-1549774.

Source: Students – SPLASH 2015

Tool demonstration accepted at the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2015)

Our new tool demonstration, “Fraglight: Shedding Light on Broken Pointcuts in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software,” has been accepted at the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2015)!


The SPLASH 2015 Student Volunteers program provides an opportunity for students from around the world to associate with some of the leading personalities in industry and research in the following areas: programming languages, object-oriented technology and software development. Student volunteers contribute to the smooth running of the conference by performing tasks such as: assisting with registration, providing information about the conference to attendees, assisting session organizers and monitoring sessions.