Category Archives: Opportunities

FYI, a research program for students …

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program is designed to develop the comprehensive strategies necessary to strengthen the preparation and increase the number of minority students who successfully complete baccalaureates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Source: SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN – New York City College of Technology

Google Summer of Code 2015 Ideas – Eclipsepedia

I have been accepted as an official GSoC mentor for the Eclipse project. I will be proposing some refactoring projects. Please let me know if any students areĀ interested in applying and working on Eclipse for Google Summer of Code. All Eclipse GSoC proposals are listed at theĀ Google Summer of Code 2015 Ideas – EclipsepediaĀ web page.

Student Researchers Wanted for Research in Programming Languages and Software Engineering

I am currently looking for students to work with on research projects. PleaseĀ contact meĀ if you are interested in programming languages and software engineering research. My research interests lie in Object-Oriented (particularly Java) and Aspect-Oriented (particularly AspectJ) languages. There’s also a possibility where students may receive credits for research and independent study. For more information, check out my ad on ScholarBridge.