My Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing Philosophy

According to the American Nurse Association (ANA), “Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.” Nursing provides a caring environment that offers the development of potential while allowing the person autonomy. Nursing incorporates caring, compassion, cultural awareness, and respect for others to facilitate change. As a nurse I believe that nurses have a unique ability to transform and touch every individual that is encounter. The foundation of the nurse-patient relationship is based on trust and the number one priority for nurses should be to develop trusting relationships with patients.  “Delivers care in a manner that preserves and protects health care consumer autonomy, dignity, rights, values and beliefs,” and “Assists health care consumers in self-determination and informed decision-making” (ANA, 2010, p. 47).

Nursing is one of the most influential and well respected professions in the world.  It has been very fluent and dynamic in its ability to adapt to different settings and condition. The nursing process allows nursing professionals to think critically and to thrive in a variety of different settings and areas. Nurses are leaders and she be encouraged to function as so. By respecting and collaborating with colleagues, becoming involved in workplace activities and public health issues, continuing education, and practicing within the scope of practice to increase my level of professionalism. Nursing values are constant and the ethical principles that guide the nursing practice are grounded into my everyday practice.

I believe that education is very important and should be valued and encouraged within the practice. The dynamic nature of nursing and the ever changing technology warrants continuing education, advanced degrees, more certified nurses in every specialty, increase use of evidence practice and computer literacy. As a nurse I believe that in order to increase our competency and ability to truly help society we need to work and live within the framework of the nursing practice, increase education and uphold the values the values vital to the profession.