Field trip post

Img Of illustration

Information about the illustration

The reason i chose this illustration is because it depicts something i relate to which is working to death or my fear that possibly the only reason we’re alive is to work. This is to me represents my lower middle class struggles and what the reality of these industries make us feel like. Blue collar working from his death bed because it never really ends . The Artist who created this piece is Pete ryan ; he created this piece for the washington post and it is called “How to prevent working to death” .

pete ryan is an amazing artist and what intrigues me most about his work  is focused on concepts and metaphors. There is some literal representation of storytelling and satire in this piece for me and I personally feel like His visuals are tricky , bold and graphic.

Jennifer Chung Field Trip Post

Gracia Lam is an award-winning illustrator. She was born in Hong Kong and raised in Toronto. She became an illustrator because she found how you can communicate and bring stories into the light to the audience. Her goal is to visually communicate with the audience and to uncover hidden treasures every day. Gracia Lam designed what I found interesting at the museum. She designed art for Real Simple Magazine and it’s a scene where you can either think it’s a couple, friends, family, etc, sitting on a bench in the rain and the woman seems to be holding an umbrella but the umbrella represents as a waiting text bubble. This icon usually means either someone is waiting or the person is texting or complete silence.

This design stood out to me because I thought to myself how I relate to this design. What I got from this was waiting for a text from your loved one and not getting a response. However, the meaning can go in many different ways. I research an article relating to the art on and the article talks about disagreement with others. The article basically summarizes how if two people disagree, we shut them down and don’t connect with people who don’t see the world as you do.

Overall, I think the art shows a clear statement to the audience. She used great colors and textures to express darkness and the mood in the art. The two people show clear body language and the idea to have the umbrella act as bubble icon is really creative.

Society of Illustrator Society of Illustrator Society of Illustrator


20 thumbnail concepts

Coyote ugly the musical

Coyote ugly is one of my favorite movies and its about a shy girl who find her voice by singing along with a jukebox in the bar she started working in which is called coyote ugly. Coyote ugly is a term created for a deunken one night stand you wake up to that is so ugly you rather chew your arm off then wake them up. It is also the name of this bar.

These sketches are for the coyote ugly musical

These thumbnails include stage presence, coyote hats , beer jugs, juke box symbolic to the movie and solo microphones

Idea web and first page of sketches

The musical basically breaks down themes of the movie -and significant scene and symbols

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