Henry Chang: Project 3 Articles

The issue I want to address is the deal with Net Neutrality. Net neutrality was a law about preventing Internet Service Providers from forcing people to deal with high prices and allow competition for better performance around the U.S. I.S.P.s are also allowed to create absurdly priced service packages without Net Neutrality, and allow special treatment for those who pay higher. Net Neutrality has been repealed by the Federal Communications Comission, and it’s important for people to be encouraged to support stronger laws about fair treatment of customers through usage of web based services.





Amaris Marte Editoral Article

Plastic Pollution in Oceans:

In the ocean one of the main issue is plastic pollution such as having plastic in the ocean which endanger the marine life and animals. Since the plastic is a dangerous material it causes sea animals to be trapped and killed because when digested it stays in the stomach and creates toxins in their body that results in them dying. When exposed to the toxins in their body the effects can cause growth and reproduction.


Stanley Quach Project 3 Ideas

One of my social problem I had seen often is racism. Even while there are still freedom for all people, there are still some the say words that are still racist to certain people which cause an outrage. This is especially in our present era with technology growing around the world and people on their phones through social media. Cyber Racism has been growing recently compared to the real world as people in social media can control their text and they may not know entirely the person much when chatting in social media. Cyber Racism needs to be controlled and stopped so the social media network can connect friendly to all people and be equal. One of the example involves the article of Dolce and Gabbana where the co-founder Gabbana account in Instagram said racist feedback and comments, including certain celebrities.


Press here for the link! about Dolce & Gabbana
