Nursing Philosophy Statement

What does being a nurse mean? Being a nurse can have several different definitions based on what an individual believes. In general, a nurse is seen as a licensed professional who takes care of a person that is sick or needs medical attention at a hospital or a clinic. The phrase “to nurse” can be used interchangeably; to take care of or get someone through a time of illness. It can also be used to describe the act of nursing; the nurturing feeling or emotion that grows over a period of time from the care of another person. It is evident that the word “nurse” can have several meanings based on the context of the situation and is not limited to one definition. My nursing philosophy encompasses the idea and goal of making a difference and providing optimal care for each individual client and their loved ones.

Nursing is providing individualized care for treating actual and potential health risks, problems, and basic human needs. Nurses are knowledgeable and compassionate about the services they provide. They accommodate themselves within each department that they belong to. In order to be a great nurse, one must not only provide holistic care, but also care with understanding, respect of values and beliefs and adhering to professionalism.

In order to maintain the knowledge and skills needed to provide professional care a nurse must also be responsible for themselves. A nurse must keep up with education and the constant changes within society. The role of a nurse is an integral part of the client’s outcome, the function of the health care team and the health of the community at large.

I became a nurse for many reasons. One of the reasons is because I admire what a nurse does for a client; the centered and individualized care. I admire the act of bringing positivity into a person’s life. Being a nurse is about being a professional who integrates, connects and promotes health and wellness.  As a nurse, I can help others, but most importantly I believe that being a nurse has brought more value to my life than anything else has. The beautiful complexity of the nursing profession brings a connection within myself and the people around me; it has brought me knowledge, satisfaction and motivation in giving my helping hands to those who need it most.