- Oral cancer and blood pressure screening
- Dental and Periodontal charting (Dentimax, Eaglesoft)
- Oral hygiene instruction
- Expose and develop full mouth series, bitewing, panoramic radiographs
- Prophylaxis and soft tissue management
- Scaling and root planning (Cavitron, hand instruments)
- Administration of Local Infiltration Anesthesia, Nitrous Oxide Analgesia, and Oraqix
- Polishing and fluoride treatment
- Suture removal
- Arestin placement and evaluation
- Rubber dam and sealant placement
- Dental alginate impression
- Conduct caries risk assessment
- Autoclave sterilization, cleaning, and disinfecting of dental instruments
- Whitening procedure (KOR system)
- Teamwork Collaboration
- Infection control procedures