
“What did we learn” essay

In this class, I have learned a lot of things so far. I learned about semiotics and the difference between icons, symbols, and indexes. I learned about how logos are supposed to represent the product in an effective way and influence all points of communication. I learned about the 7 different Depths of Meaning and how they impact the world of Graphic Design and how we view a work of art, an advertisement, and other forms of media in the world. I learned about the difference between analog and digital data and how one can be transformed into the other by a process called “digitization”. I learned how there are different amounts of data storage from Binary digits called “bits” to massive data units called “yottabytes”. I learned how to effectively hold mass amounts of data and save space by compressing files.

              Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their impact on people. There are 3 types of signs: icons, symbols, and indexes. Icons are realistic representations of objects or products of the company. Symbols are arbitrary signs that don’t relate to the idea at all. Indexes are signs that do relate to the idea being communicated by the company.

              The 7 depths of Meaning consist of perception, sensation, emotion, intellect, identification, reverberation, and spirituality. Perception refers to the aspects of visual solutions that make us look at a piece. Sensation means the images with tactile qualities that cause us to experience gut reactions to the work. Emotion applies to the appealing of the viewers emotions rather than his reasoning which gives the image a powerful persuasive ability. Intellect refers to the power of words in design and subtleties such as wit and humor appeal to both the right and left sides of your brain. Identification tends to the notion that everyone has a psychological desire to a certain group, be it an organization or a movement. Reverberation is the nostalgic imagery which often elicits comfort and dependability in a visual message. Spirituality is employed when a work’s moral and artistic qualities converge to deliver a message.              

Digital Information is an imitation of Analog Information. Analog is infinite and Digital is limited. Digital Information only comes in 1s and 0s called binary which, in turn, makes binary digits or bits. 8 bits make a byte and bytes can come together to make all sorts of data units.