This video is as stated in the title, all about me! There are a few more things I would like to mention that I did not get the chance to share. When I graduate with my bachelors of fine arts, I will be a first generation college graduate on behalf of both sides of my family. My Dominican grandmother does not speak much English. She is the person to thank for my bilingual skill. My brother’s name is Franklin Jr. He shares the same passion for football with my dad. I get my creative skills from the Puerto Rican side for sure. I get my athleticism from the Dominican side.

I had tons of fun creating this video. A challenge was not being able to say everything I wanted in under 2 minutes. I learned how to add the special effects to the photos on iMovie through this project. Another challenge I faced was getting the video to load properly on OpenLab. So I decided to add the google drive url as a link. Then, I uploaded my video to Vimeo and used that link to display my video on this page. I hope you enjoy my video just as much as I did editing it! Please leave any feedback you may have for improvement.


Kaijah, I can see the blank video screen but I can’t play it. Can you post a link to this video from Google Drive. Just make sure I have access to it.

Also, you should have some writing describing the video and what your idea was for it, the programs you used, any technical difficulties you had, etc. I will look again later tonight and one more time at 11 AM tomorrow. Best, Prof. Goetz

Yes, will do. I am having trouble with the upload to google drive. It is taking really long to load. I will write the paragraph as soon as I get the video uploaded correctly.

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