About Jenny Wang

My name is Jenny Wang, i live in queens yet, i go to NYC college of technology. I have a loving mother, father and 3 other siblings. I am in graphic design communication because I want to explore the different wonders of design. Graphic design communication is a new level of creativity for me, a department where I get to create my own symbol representing myself. It is also a place where I can learn the history of printing, commercial designs and advertising designs. In this class I will be able to learn new software which I have never used before and will be using them in the future. I will acknowledge the factors in which can will make a commercial more appealing to audience and other factors that do not. Thus, I am very excited about the next topic that will be taught. Before, graphic design communication I have had a few classes which were really interesting. They were defined as Vector Rector and Public Media. Through, Vector Rector I learned the usage of illustrator and Photoshop. In Public Media I learned about the custom of InDesign. These two classes were very exciting courses, which I wished to have learned more about. The reason behind it is because I have not used any of this software before. Therefore, after using all these new programs my experiencing has gained and my desire to learn more about every software has grown. I am really looking forward to this course and hope to gain a lot out of it.

Trip to AGIA


The trip to the AIGA gallery was amazing. It was very inspiring to see so many beautiful creations. Each design had its own meaning and history by the designers which captured many attentions. Three designers and designs that were very inspiring to me while I was exploring the AIGA gallery were Milton Glaser, Mirko Llic and Christopher Brand.

Milton Glaserā€™s design of the Crackpot Party and the Republican logo were very artistic. The democrats are represented by a tea pot yet, has a crack within it. The quote ā€œwe donā€™t hold waterā€ states that the democrats will not take orders from other systems. The republicanā€™s logo was very imaginative because of the shape of the design, it consist of the word ā€œNOā€ which forms itself into the structure of an elephant. Both works contains the colors of the American flag and three stars representing America and its pride.

Mirko Llicā€™s art was very influential; its main purpose is to inform people that radioactive waste is causing major damages to the world. The work includes a structure of a chemical structure plus within the chemical structure there is an image of a skull. This gives a concept that radioactive waste is deadly and harmful. This artist gives a feeling that he is a part of the green party, wanting the world to be healthier and well for humans to live in.

Lastly the project of Christopher Brand is a very beautiful design. The design is created with the outline of the United States on a black background. Within the paper outline country contain the letters ā€œI.O.U,ā€ the O logo is a design created for the Obama campaign. By having a black background represents Obama race, the outline country represents America and the letters inside means that Obama will make America a better place to live because humans deserve a better home.

Thus, the trip was a very inspiring event to attend. Creativity never runs out, it just keeps on growing. By seeing so much art in this gallery it is proven to be true. This trip really helped me a lot with creating my designs for class. It is a really great reference to go to when creating logos. AIGA is one of the galleries that I would surely recommend to others.

3 Visual Quotes

My quote was from Coco Channel because i admire that she is the first female to set her own band of sales in products. The main theme in these concepts are bright colorful warm colors and the uses of white and black since, that is Channel’sĀ signature style.

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