Tag Archives: ENG1121-D465

31)10 points pro’s and con’s of research paper

Jonathan Valencia

ENG 1121 D465

May 10, 2016

Assignment: Pros and Cons of research topic.



  • Illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans.
  • The threat of terrorism and crimes.
  • Illegal immigration is a law violation.
  • “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine”. “Many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American Medicine fought and vanquished long ago, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue and Chagas disease.”
  • Illegal immigration costs money.
  • Economic Burden
  • Overpopulation
  • Crimes of Human Trafficking
  • It erases the fact that people broke the law.
  • Have no rights



  • Separation of families
  • It is costly
  • It can result in a stronger nation
  • Undocumented are willing to take all kinds of jobs.
  • Illegal immigrants who work also pay taxes.
  • Have rights like anyone else
  • Children who are alone in this world and have no one will lead them to a bad path in life
  • It gives struggling people all over the world an opportunity for a better life. This country was built on immigrants who sought opportunity, political & religious freedom, etc.
  • Decreasing or eliminating legal immigration will inevitably create more incentive to come to the country illegally, which leads to less assimilation and fewer taxpaying, law-abiding citizens.

It decreases the diversity and expands the cultur

30)Summary of Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Jonathan Valencia

ENG 1121 D465

May 10, 2016

Assignment Summary of Documentary


In the documentary “Cave of Forgotten Dreams” shows us the Chauvet Cave located in France and what you see inside will truly amaze you. The France Chauvet Cave is the home of the world oldest paintings known to date. These drawing or paintings however you view art are seen through out the cave. It shows us a historical place where we wouldn’t imagine history would be located. A single man by hand painted this beautiful creation of art through out the cave as we see animals throughout. Not only drawings but also bones and much more. As a viewer you can just imagine the types of animals that use to live inside the cave. The drawings give you a sense how that particular part of frace where the cave is located use to be. He detailed the drawings that there used to be species that are now extinct use to live there. It had weapons that the people in that era use for hunting purposes. As investigators are stuck figure out this cave due to history as we don’t have technology to tell us about the people in that era. We just can imagine how the people live back then and how they did things different than us.

29) 7 points of peer review partner #2

Jonathan Valencia

May 17, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: 7 points of peer review


Partner: My own essay


  1. Opener – “You, who are so-called illegal aliens, must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?”
  2. Thesis w/3 subtopic – There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children.
  3. 3-subtopic paragraph –¶1 separation of families, ¶2 over populated camps, and ¶3 deporting children.
  4. Topic sentences –¶ 1 – Many families daily are being separated from their love ones due to having an illegal immigrant status. , ¶ 2 – Shockingly immigration facilities are overpopulated and corrupted. Immigrants inside the facilities have their rights taken away due to them not being legal. , ¶ 3 – Sadly children of all ages are being deported back to their countries due to them not being legal
  5. Transitions – Transitions are use in the first sentences of each body paragraph of each subtopic and sub subtopic
  6. Grammar Conventions – Missing word in between and grammar mistakes
  7. Conclusion w/ thesis restated and lead-out – Restates thesis sentence and brief summary of the entire essay

28) 7 point of peer review partner

Jonathan Valencia

May 4, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: 7 points of peer review


Partner: Joyce Tam


  1. Opener – Albert Einstein once stated, “Scientist investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.”
  2. Thesis w/3 subtopic – It was developed in response to problems associated with replacement of tissues lost due to trauma, disease, physical defects and/ or degenerative conditions.
  3. 3-subtopic paragraph –¶1 replacement of tissues lost due to trauma, ¶2 disease, and ¶3 physical defects and/ or degenerative conditions.
  4. Topic sentences
  • Tissue engineering is needed to eliminate the problem with demand and supply for organ transplantation.
  • The challenges to cell culture for tissue engineering applications are currently under research by examining different cells of the human bodies.
  • Despite advancing technology there are still major challenges to Tissue Engineering applications for regenerative medicine.
  • Tissue Engineering is offered as a solution because of its’ key components vital to regeneration of tissues and organs.
  1. Transitions – Transitions seen used in the first sentences of a body paragraph or through out the subtopic paragraphs.
  2. Grammar Conventions – No grammar mistakes missing
  3. Conclusion w/ thesis restated and lead-out – Restates thesis sentence and brief summary about her research topic.

27)Research Essay – 2nd Draft

Jonathan Valencia

May 25, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Research paper 2nd Draft


Deportation of Immigrants

Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once said, “You, who are so-called illegal aliens, must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal” In the United States there are a lot of immigrants who are here to have a better job so they can provide for family back home. They are here to work or get out of the country where they once were to avoid violence. Deportation has a lot of risks as if we are really convinced if a person is bad or innocent. Some people don’t know there is also violence inside walls in which we have never entered, from gangs trying to recruit the young to bring more violence into this world. Kids having no role models due to the fact their parents are here working for he can have a better life there or some being orphans. There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children.

Surprisingly we have illegal immigrants studying for a better future for themselves being deported due to their status of an immigrant. People don’t realize that these children being deported are trying their best to have a better life in which they can help their parents with paying bills or support them in anyways they can. When speaking the deportation of children we are not speaking a couple we are talking about a lot. Kate Linthicum says” More than 7,000 immigrant children have been ordered deported without appearing in court since large numbers of minors from Central America began illegally crossing the U.S. border in 2013, federal statistics show.”(Obama Loses Last Legal Buffer against Surge of Immigrants) They are having their right of having a judge hearing taken away because they were never given date to see one.

There is a lot of family’s separation due to having an illegal immigrant status. Vanessa Ceceña says, “Deportations can destroy the family structure.”(San Diego Free Press) The deportation of a family member can affect their love ones as they are going to be separated from their wife, husband, and kids. Some people don’t realize that a family’s separation can leave a heartbreaking impact on the children the most as they won’t have a mother or father figure role model in the lives when they grow up. Sadly, sometimes not only one family member is deported but both at the same time leaving there children in a miserable state as having the people they love the most with them taken away in front of their eyes.

In today’s world nobody wants to see the separation of families as people who they love and care about are going to be taken away from them. Children from immigrants suffer the most due to having to role model in their life and not knowing from the right and wrong. In case there is a situation where both parents are deported the children are placed in foster care. Ceceña article says “According to the ARC’s report, there are at least 5,100 children in foster care due to a parent being deported or detained.”(Immigration, Deportation, and Family Separation) While the families are being separated we hope to see a reunion between them unfortunately the possibilities of that happening is very slim. We don’t realize that once a member of the house hold is gone who is going to bring money in order to buy food, clothes, pay bills and many more and one parent might need to find multiple jobs in order for his/her family to survive.

Shockingly immigration facilities are overpopulated and corrupted. Immigrants inside the facilities have their rights taken away due to them not being legal. The conditions at these are unsanitary and have been reports of the officers taking advantage of their powers. These facilities that are supposed to house a certain amount of people are housing the double the amount than it was supposed to be. James Lyall said “This current situation is a recipe for abuse vulnerable children.”(Overcrowded, unsanitary conditions seen at immigrant detention centers) There are unhealthy conditions of these facilities for the adults and the children. These conditions are very sad as you can see visitors and children crying.

Facilities of immigrations are always corrupt due to the people staying over there are having their right taken away. Some of the immigrates staying at these centers have probably been there for months or even years as they want to be release or have a judge hearing. Sadly some stay there for they can’t be return to their countries and them not signing a contract in which they can be deported. Sometimes family members that are detained are moved from one center to another because these centers are overcrowded. The detainees are being abused by the officer for the reason to get them the sign the contracts some fear for themselves as it could happen to them. They are lied to everyday and not given any privileges.

Sadly children of all ages are being deported back to their countries due to them not being legal. The children that have nowhere to go and to look up to might possibly be recruited in a gang as they see that the only place to escape to. There have reports as latino gangs trying to recruit the minor to their organization to have more soldiers on the streets. “The nation’s most violent street gangs—including Mara Salvatrucha—are actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing illegal immigrant minors”( Influx of Illegal Alien Minors Energizes Violent U.S. Street Gang MS-13) this shows that criminal organizations are will to get the young children attention to make them seen as roll models. There are reports that children are already involving in criminal organizations like ms13 or 18th street gangs.

The children that are going too deported have no one to look after them due to not having family members around. The shelters that have minors are overcrowded due to having kids from different age groups there. Children are being sent back to their countries without a guardian due to some may have been alone when entering the United States and others being separated from their parents. As they are sent back they have no one to look up to as they are constantly fighting to survive. The young children might be sent to an orphanage or to put in a foster family. Due to these type of situations judges will release the kid with either their mother or father. Judge Dolly M. Gee said “she will order the government to move quickly to release all illegal immigrant children and try to release their parents as well.”(Obama Loses Last Legal Buffer against Surge of Immigrants)

There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children. There is corruption inside the walls of detention centers. Children having nowhere to go sometimes end up joining crime organizations to survive. Loved ones being separated from each other as they are taken away by immigration officers. People fight every day for a better life for themselves and their family. Sadly rules that distinguish who are legal and who are illegal that doesn’t make them equal to each other.



Cited Work

Linthicum, Kate. “LA Times.” LA Times. Los Angles Times, 6 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 May 2016.

Ceceña, Vanessa. “Immigration, Deportation, and Family Separation” “San Diego Free Press.” San Diego Free Press. N.p., 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 10 May 2016

Dinan, Stephen. “Obama Loses Last Legal Buffer against Surge of Immigrants.” Washington Times. The Washington Times, 25 July 2015. Web. 10 May 2016.Fiske, Molly Hennessy, and Cindy Carcamo. “Overcrowded, unsanitary conditions seen at immigrant detention centers” “LA Times.” LA Times. LA Times, 18 June 2014. Web. 10 May 2016.

Lee, Esther Yu-Hsi. “Immigrants Say They Suffered Abuse And Neglect At This California Detention Center.” ThinkProgress RSS. N.p., 10 Dec. 2015. Web. 10 May 2016.

“Immigrants Face Long Detention, Few Rights.” Msnbc.com. The Associated Press, 15 Mar. 2009. Web. 10 May 2016.


Alexander, Michelle, Colleen Birchett, Alison Gise Johnson, Tiauna Boyd, and Iva E. Carruthers. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.






26. Research Paper – First Draft


Jonathan Valencia

April 17, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Research paper


Deportation of immigrants

Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once said, “You, who are so-called illegal aliens, must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?” In the United States there are a lot of immigrants who are here to have a better job for they can provide for family back home. They are here to work or get out of the country they once where to avoid violence. Deportation has a lot of risk as if we are really convinced if a person is bad or not. While some people don’t know there is also violence inside walls in which we have never entered. Gangs trying to recruit the young to bring more violence into this world. Kids having no role models due to the fact their parents are here working for he can have a better life there or some being orphans. There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children.

Many families daily are being separated from their love ones due to having an illegal immigrant status. Vanessa Ceceña says, “Deportations can destroy the family structure.” The deportation of a family member can affect their love ones as they are going to be separated from their wife, husband, and kids. Some people don’t realize that a family’s separation can leave a heartbreaking impact on the children the most as they won’t have a mother or father figure role model in the lives when they grow up. Sadly, sometimes not only one family member is deported but both at the same time leaving there children in a miserable state as having the people they love the most with them taken away in front of their eyes.

Nobody in today’s world wants to be torn apart from the people who they love and care about the most as both parties are going to suffer greatly. Children from immigrants suffer the most due to having to role model in their life and not knowing from the right and wrong. In case there is a situation where both parents are deported the children are placed in foster care. Ceceña article says “According to the ARC’s report, there are at least 5,100 children in foster care due to a parent being deported or detained.” While the families are being separated we hope to see a reunion between them unfortunately the possibilities of that happening is very slim. We don’t realize that once a member of the house hold is gone who is going to bring money in order to buy food, clothes, pay bills and many more and one parent might need to find multiple jobs in order for his/her family to survive.

Surprisingly we have children immigrants studying for a better future for themselves being deported due to their status of an immigrant. People don’t realize that these children being deported are trying their best to have a better life in which they can help their parents with paying bills or support them in anyways they can. When speaking the deportation of children we are not speaking a couple we are talking about a lot. Kate Linthicum says” More than 7,000 immigrant children have been ordered deported without appearing in court since large numbers of minors from Central America began illegally crossing the U.S. border in 2013, federal statistics show.” They are having their right of having a judge hearing taken away because they were never given date to see one.

Sadly children of all ages are being deported back to their countries due to them not being legal. The children that have nowhere to go and to look up to might possibly be recruited in a gang as they see that the only place to escape to. There have reports as latino gangs trying to recruit the minor to their organization to have more soldiers on the streets. “The nation’s most violent street gangs—including Mara Salvatrucha—are actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing illegal immigrant minors” this shows that criminal organizations are will to get the young children attention to make them seen as roll models. There are reports that children are already involve in criminal organizations like ms13 or 18th street gangs.

The children that are going too deported have no one to look after them due to not having family members around. The shelters that have minors are overcrowded due to having kids from different age groups there. Children are being sent back to their countries without a guardian due to some may have been alone when entering the United States and others being separated from their parents. As they are sent back they have no one to look up to as they are constantly fighting to survive. The young children might be sent to an orphanage or to put in a foster family. Due to these type of situations judges will release the kid with either their mother or father. Judge Dolly M. Gee said “she will order the government to move quickly to release all illegal immigrant children and try to release their parents as well.”

Shockingly immigration facilities are overpopulated and corrupted. Immigrants inside the facilities have their rights taken away due to them not being legal. The conditions at these are unsanitary and have been reports of the officers taking advantage of their powers. These facilities that are supposed to house a certain amount of people are housing the double the amount than it was supposed to be. James Lyall said “This current situation is a recipe for abuse vulnerable children.” There are unhealthy condition of these facilities for the adults and the children. These conditions are very sad as you can see visitors and children crying.

Facilities of immigrations are always corrupt due to the people staying over there are having their right taken away. Some of the immigrates staying at these centers have probably been there for months or even years as they want to be release or have a judge hearing. Sadly some stay there for they can’t be return to their countries and them not signing a contract in which they can be deported. Sometimes family members that are detained are moved from one center to another because these centers are overcrowded. The detainees are being abused by the officer for the reason to get them the sign the contracts some fear for themselves as it could happen to them. They are lied to everyday and not given any privileges.

There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children. There is corruption inside the walls of detention centers. Children having nowhere and some joining crime organizations to survive. Loved ones being separated from each other as they are taken away by immigration officers. People fight every day for a better life for themselves and their family. Sadly rules that distinguish who are legal and who are illegal that doesn’t make them equal to each other.

Cited Work

Linthicum, Kate contact reporter “7,000 immigrant children ordered deported without going to court.” latimes.com 6 March 2015

Ceceña, Vanessa “Immigration, Deportation, and Family Separation” sandiegofreepress.org 4 September 2014

Obama loses last legal buffer against surge of immigrants

Detention facilities illegal; holding families breaks 1997 agreement

Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Saturday, July 25, 2015

Overcrowded, unsanitary conditions seen at immigrant detention centers

Molly Hennessy-Fiske and Cindy CarcamoContact Reporters June 18, 2015

25) Research Paper – First Half of Draft

Jonathan Valencia

April 17, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Research paper


Deportation of immigrants

Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once said, “You, who are so-called illegal aliens, must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?” In the United States there are a lot of immigrants who are here to have a better job for they can provide for family back home. They are here to work or get out of the country they once where to avoid violence. Deportation has a lot of risk as if we are really convinced if a person is bad or not. While some people don’t know there is also violence inside walls in which we have never entered. Gangs trying to recruit the young to bring more violence into this world. Kids having no role models due to the fact their parents are here working for he can have a better life there or some being orphans. There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children.

Many families daily are being separated from their love ones due to having an illegal immigrant status. Vanessa Ceceña says, “Deportations can destroy the family structure.” The deportation of a family member can affect their love ones as they are going to be separated from their wife, husband, and kids. Some people don’t realize that a family’s separation can leave a heartbreaking impact on the children the most as they won’t have a mother or father figure role model in the lives when they grow up. Sadly, sometimes not only one family member is deported but both at the same time leaving there children in a miserable state as having the people they love the most with them taken away in front of their eyes.

Nobody in today’s world wants to be torn apart from the people who they love and care about the most as both parties are going to suffer greatly. Children from immigrants suffer the most due to having to role model in their life and not knowing from the right and wrong. In case there is a situation where both parents are deported the children are placed in foster care. Ceceña article says “According to the ARC’s report, there are at least 5,100 children in foster care due to a parent being deported or detained.” While the families are being separated we hope to see a reunion between them unfortunately the possibilities of that happening is very slim. We don’t realize that once a member of the house hold is gone who is going to bring money in order to buy food, clothes, pay bills and many more and one parent might need to find multiple jobs in order for his/her family to survive.

Shockingly we have children immigrants studying for a better future for themselves being deported due to their status of an immigrant. People don’t realize that these children being deported are trying their best to have a better life in which they can help their parents with paying bills or support them in anyways they can. When speaking the deportation of children we are not speaking a couple we are talking about a lot. Kate Linthicum says” More than 7,000 immigrant children have been ordered deported without appearing in court since large numbers of minors from Central America began illegally crossing the U.S. border in 2013, federal statistics show.” They are having their right of having a judge hearing because they were never given one.

Cited Work

Linthicum, Kate contact reporter “7,000 immigrant children ordered deported without going to court.” latimes.com 6 March 2015

Ceceña, Vanessa “Immigration, Deportation, and Family Separation” sandiegofreepress.org 4 September 2014

24) Rhetorical Situation for Documentary Poetry in Motion

Jonathan Valencia

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Rhetorical Situation for poetry in motion



  1. Audience – is people who where at the event that had the poet reading it in front of other poets or for example me listening and watching the poet reading it through YouTube.
  2. Genre – Poetry
  3. Purpose – To describe or tell you something that they are feeling inside that they don’t want tell no one in person but through words
  4. Media/Design – Way of communicating is through his/her paper that has the poem written on and YouTube.
  5. Stance – In my opinion the poem can be viewed in many different ways and for me is was a life lesson

22) Research Essay – Outline

Jonathan Valencia

ENG 1121 –D465


Assignment: Essay 3 outline

Opener: “You, who are so-called illegal aliens, must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?”

Thesis: There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children.

Body Paragraph 1: Separation of Families

  • The loss of a family member
  • Single Parents
  • No father or mother figure to look out for the lids
  • No care for children

Body Paragraph 2: Immigration camps

  • Overcrowded
  • May be years till you are sent back to homeland or another country
  • Mistreatment and no privileges
  • Not given attention

Body Paragraph 3: Deportation of Children

  • No place to return
  • No one to take care of them
  • Gang recruitment
  • Orphans
  • Looking for parents who are in the country


  • Restate thesis sentence