21) Research Essay – Paragraph #1

Jonathan Valencia

ENG 1121 –D465


Assignment: Introduction


Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once said “You, who are so-called illegal aliens, must know that no human being is illegal. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?” In the United States there are a lot of immigrants who are here to have a better job for they can provide for family back home. They are here to work or get out of the country they once where to avoid violence. As some people are ok with immigrants being in the country there are some who aren’t dealing with them and prefer them to be deported. Deportation has a lot of risk as if we are really convince if a person is bad or not. While some people don’t know there is also violence inside walls in which we have never entered. Gangs trying to recruit the young to bring more violence into this world. Kids having to role models due to the fact there parents are here working for he can have a better life there or some being orphans. There are a lot of immigrants from various countries men, women, and children trying to make a better life for themselves but are always worrying about being deported and causes the separation of families, over populated camps, and a bigger issue is deporting children