1.I used this image to introduce the reader to the fourth chapter of the book Lips. In this chapter I will continue discussing the use of the retouching tools in Adobe Photoshop to help give you a look with luscious lips in your pictures.
S3.amazonaws.com,. (2014). Retrieved 15 November 2014, from http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/red-lips_1024x768_29987.jpg
2. Lips are almost as important as eyes when retouching a simple retouch would go a long way. Using this image I will demonstrate how to enlarge her lips.This image is located in the fourth chapter of the book.
Wallpaperciv.com,. (2014). Retrieved 15 November 2014, from http://wallpaperciv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Nina-Dobrev-Fashion-Model-Pics.jpg
3. Imagine working with a client in renewing there seasonal lipstick line. You have been given one image of the model being used and you have to find the most efficient way to adjust the image without losing any data. Using this image I will demonstrate how to change her lip color.
The image shows the before and after the color change. This image is located in the fourth chapter of the book.
Wallpaperciv.com,. (2014). Retrieved 15 November 2014, from http://wallpaperciv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Nina-Dobrev-Fashion-Model-Pics.jpg
Same comment as previous page: I would like to see a description of each image and also why you chose the image and why you think this image shows what you are intending for it to show. Also where in your book the image fits.
Also make sure your references are cited in the correct format.