Author Archives: jennifer telesford

Stein Health Fair

On Wednesday my clinical  group held a health fair at the Stein Senior Center. It was well supported as lots of seniors came and utilize the services that was provided for them by the various organization in the community such as Duane Reade and Wallgreen pharmacy, NYU dental school, Gramercy Physical Therapy, Insurance companies, Representative from dept. of aging, Political Representatives and many others, The day started very stressful for me as i was anxious as to whether the invited guest would come as promise. I had made several phone calls and visits to the venders the weeks prior to the fair but was still fearful that things may not go as planned. However i was pleasantly surprised when all my invited guest came. They brought hand-outs and gifts for the seniors.The NYU dental school representatives did oral assessment and gave vouchers to the seniors. By the end of the day i was excited and proud of my accomplishment.


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