Project 2

About FRED
FRED Talk is a platform for discourse worth having. Started in 2016 as a class project where you can have a dialogue about various topics including business, technology, and professionalism. FRED is built on the foreground of sharing ideas across the seven seas.

What is a FRED Talk?
FRED stands for First, Real, Engaging and Discourse—- across a breadth of fields.

Our Mission
FRED is a YouTube based conference, on shedding light to a variety of topics to create an opportunity for an engaging discourse.

Discourse worth having.
Naomi Dixon
Writer, Philanthropist, Subject Matter Expert on Emotional Intelligence

Methodology: Naomi Dixon believes that a good contributing citizen of society values begin with emotional intelligence in order for us to create a better tomorrow.

Why you should listen?
Naomi DIxon was born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida. An award-winning author of three collections of New York Reads Bestseller on Emotional Intelligence (EI), documentary on Emotional Intelligence, and a renowned pianist. Dixon’s first big break was after she interned for a creative agency in financial services where she struggled with the demands of the corporate life. It wasn’t until her former boss shared with her the secret to her success, emotional intelligence. Dixon began implementing these “The 7 Step Guide to EI” and shortly after her social life and career was transformed.
Over the last ten years, she became a key player in revolutionizing the workforce through the power of emotional intelligence. Her sold out books are considered as a top asset for young millennials entering the workforce which introduces them to a holistic understanding of the power of emotional intelligence for a better tomorrow. Dixon’s stories are full of bountiful advice for young and seasoned professionals across many disciplines. Her methodology are built on the foreground of transforming humanity through the experiences she’s had.
In addition to introducing emotional intelligence to the workforce through thoughtful dialogue in workshops and seminars, Dixon travels across the seven seas in an effort to educate individuals on emotional intelligence and through philanthropy.