Entry 9

I believe I’ve been doing well to maintain my overall work load, while still performing highly for the internship. Senior project has been beating me down, plus a multitude of other assignments, while trying to “finalize” my portfolio. Many times I’ve felt like giving up this semester, solely due to the passing of my grandmother, and then my little cousin (I really can’t catch a break), but so far I’ve been pushing myself because I see life will not wait for me. One project I’m proud of is the logo because of the versatility. There are four versions and all can be used interchangeably, as well as include other assets within. The outer being two T’s and a B for The Bold Type, the inner shaped to “IF,” and when extended it represents a puzzle piece, and when normal a key. The other iteration includes a line work face, based on her love of line art. Below I will specifically show the inner of the logo, in normal and expanded, as well as the profile face.

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