Preliminary Sketch of Important Parts

At first, JR2 Inc. had numerous ideas on the creation of the most important parts of the Router Table but having aesthetics as a requirement limited the options and ideas to be used. In addition, such ideas where found not to be appropriate or functional for various reasons. Therefore, the team decided to prioritize and meet the functional requirements first before thinking about the aesthetic aspect. As a result, the components were designed in a way that together after doing the assembly, they will all share a common task; which is functionality. Therefore, motion analysis and finite element analysis needed to be done. The result of such analyses will be shown on the following pages.
NOTE: Durability, ease of use and ability to manufacture were also taken into consideration before designing the components.
The following images show the most important functional components of the JR2 CNC Router Table which were carefully designed with the use of the powerful CAD Software that goes by the name of Autodesk AutoCad
The images below are preliminary sketches of the parts that are considered to be the most important of the product.