EMT 1111

EMT 1111 – Logic and Problem-Solving
Course Syllabus Fall 2016

Instructor: Prof. Marius Constantin
Email: mconstantin@citytech.cuny.edu
Office Hours: Monday 12:00-13:00, room V630

Course Description

This course introduces the foundations of problem-solving and
computer programming as it is applied to electromechanical
engineering technology. It provides a basic understanding of
number systems and programming techniques with practical
examples implemented in a modern programming language.
Concepts are developed through hands-on laboratory exercises.
Required Textbook:
Think Python by Allen B. Downey.
Free eBook at http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/thinkpython.html
Supplemental textbook:

General Education Outcomes:
SKILLS/Inquiry/Analysis: Employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking.
SKILLS/Inquiry/Analysis: Use creativity to solve problems.

Learning Objectives:
This course will teach the students how to use logic and solve problems using computers. Students will learn the basics of computer programming using a modern high-level programming language and apply it to problems in the area of computer engineering technology. Students will be introduced to numbers systems.

Course Material:
Refer to the course schedule for appropriate deadlines and procedures. Course material as well as assignments and labs will be distributed electronically solely via Blackboard. It is your responsibility to check for new material frequently, daily is recommended. Unawareness of applicable deadlines and procedures is not a valid reason for not fulfilling your duty

Course Schedule

Week                                 Topic Chapter
1                                         Syllabus and Introduction 1
2                                         Variables, expressions and statements 2
3                                         Functions 3
4                                         Interface design 4
5                                         Exam 1 –
6                                         Conditionals 5
7                                         Fruitful functions 6
8                                         Iteration 7
9                                         Strings 8
10                                       Exam 2 –
11                                       Lists 10
12                                      Dictionaries 11
13                                      Tuples 12
14                                      Number systems –
15                                      Final Exam –


Grading Criteria:

Assignments: Assignments will consist of problem-solving and programming assignments where the students will apply the techniques learned in class. There will be no late assignments accepted.
Exams: Exams will be administered to test the knowledge acquired at different stages during the semester. These are partial exams. Students are required to take exams the day and time they are scheduled. There is no make-up exam unless you have a valid reason according to CityTech’s policy.
Final Exam: There will be a final examination at the end of the semester. This exam will be comprehensive and will test the material taught during the entire semester. Students are required to take the final exam the day and time it is scheduled. There is no make-up exam unless you have a valid reason according to CityTech’s policy.


Attendance: Under CUNY mandate, attendance in EACH class is REQUIRED and attendance WILL be taken at each class meeting. You are allowed a MAXIMUM of 2 absences. If you exceed that number, you may receive a WU grade. If for any reason you miss a class, it is your responsibility to review all the material covered in the class and to complete the corresponding reading and programming assignments. EXCESSIVE LATENESS (more than 5 minutes) will be considered to be an absence from that class meeting.
There will be a weekly programming assignment, in which the student will develop a program to solve a defined problem. The student’s portfolio should contain a web page for each coding developed, including the ones from tutorials and the ones from a programming assignment. Each webpage should contain as minimum the following: a description of the program, a picture of the main screen. Late homework will not be accepted and ALL HOMEWORK MUST BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY. The website will be evaluated every week. If for any reason you miss a class, it is your responsibility to complete the corresponding programming assignment.

Helpful Hints:

1) You may get assistance in the Tech Learning Center on the 2nd floor in the Voorhies building.
2) Do your homework and seek help immediately if any difficulties arise
3) Study in groups. Studies have shown that students who study in
this manner perform better in all of their classes. SO MAKE FRIENDS.
4) DO NOT wait until the night before work is due to get help. If
there is something that you do not understand, get help
5) Students who are failing should consider officially withdrawing
on or before the Withdrawal Date to avoid an F or WU grade.
6) Check CUNY blackboard regularly for various announcements,
course lectures and hand-outs.
Electronic Communication Policy:
Electronic communication with the instructor must be done using your official CityTech student email address.
Emails sent from personal addresses may be blocked by the server or ignored. You must identify yourself in the first sentence of your email by indicating your name and the course and section you are in (e.g. Hello Prof. Constantin this is John Smith from EMT 1111 – D_xxx). Avoid sending messages via Blackboard, OpenLab, Facebook, etc. as they may not be delivered or answered.

Academic Integrity:
Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.