Internship Blog #16: Self Evaluation

Throughout my time working at Brooklyn Ballet, I feel like I’ve been doing a decent job. I’ve been completing the tasks that have been assigned to me but I feel like I’m not really working fast enough. I’m having that feeling because as a designer, I want to send my supervisor great work but I’m constantly overthinking the quality of my work. When I’m working on something I’m always constantly thinking “Is this good enough to show my supervisor?” It feels like my mind is constantly having a battle with itself when it comes to my work. It also doesn’t help that I was never given a deadline for most of my tasks.

The only project I feel really good about was when I was working with the graphic design team and creating merch mockups. The task was very easy and I felt like I was working very fast and communicating efficiently with the team

Overall I think the internship helped me practice my skills and I’ve improved ever since I started working at Brooklyn Ballet. I just feel like I need to work on balancing the speed and the quality of my work

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