Visual Quote

For my visual quote project, the quote I went with was “once in a blue moon”, which means something that doesn’t often occur or take place. This quote was chosen because its a quote that can put an image in a persons head and also the quote has a feeling that flows like water


For the first visual quote design, I used a script font called scriptina and futura medium font. in the word “moon” I replaced one of the O’s with a image of a moon. I messed around with word blue and made the letters in it different tones of blue. At first I originally liked it but later felt that it was lacking something but I wasn’t sure what so ended up making two versions of it.

In the second design I reversed the placement of the fonts and added the phases of the moon on a black background. In this version i changed the “O” in “once” to a moon and I kept the word “blue” to a single shade of blue.

For the final design I didn’t use any images, mostly type. I designed it in a way that makes it look like a written journal. In order to maintain the blue effect I made the background blue. Overall I think that this was my favorite design out’ve all of them.