Author: Jiaming Lu
Work Experience
Ziar Dental, DMD
Dental assistant, 2020-Current
- Set up trays prior to dental procedures and surgeries.
- Exposed intraoral and extraoral digital images.
- Assisted chairside in multiple dental procedures such as implant surgery, osseous surgery, tissue graft, sinus lift, etc.
Grace Su, DDS
Dental assistant, 2019- 2022
- Scheduled and confirmed patient appointments.
- Reviewed patient’s insurance and filed billing.
- Assisted chairside in multiple dental procedures such as post and crown, root canal treatment, etc.
To Yei Choy, DDS
Dental assistant, 2017- 2021
- Scheduled and confirmed patient appointments.
- Reviewed patient’s insurance and filed billing.
- Assisted chairside in multiple dental procedures such as post and crown, root canal treatment, denture, orthodontic treatment, etc.
Case #2
My patient Ms. C was a 21-year-old Asian female who presented for a regular dental checkup. Her vitals were 115/76 with a Pulse of 66. She is ASA2 due to the mango allergy reaction. The patient’s last dental examination and dental cleaning was in 2014, and she had never had any dental radiographs taken. The patient brushes twice a day with a Philips electronic toothbrush but rarely uses any interdental aids.
Bilateral linea alba and lip piercing at the midline of the lower lip below the vermillion border were documented during the extraoral and intraoral examination.
The patient has a Class I occlusion with a 5mm overjet and a 50% overbite. The mesial of tooth #18 was chipped. Tooth #17 and #32 were impacted.
The patient had generalized heavy marginal gingival inflammation as well as BOP. Her gingiva was red in color, smooth and shiny, puffy in consistency, and bulbous interdental papilla. The gingiva of maxillary and mandibular anterior areas were flaccid. Except for the posterior molars that had a localized 5mm PD, the pocket depths were generalized ranging between 2-3mm. During the calculus detection process, generalized heavy supragingival and subgingival calculus was identified. The calculus was black in color.
A treatment plan was developed and discussed with the patient. FMS digital radiographs, whole mouth scaling with oraqix or local anesthesia for pain management, and 5% sodium fluoride varnish application were all planned.
During the initial visit, FMS was exposed using 7mA and 70kV. The patient’s FMS revealed that she had 10% generalized horizontal bone loss and generalized calculus was shown on the interproximal. Suspicious caries presented on #3DO, #4MOD, #5DO, #14DO, #19MO, and #20DO.
Her plaque index score was 1.2, which is considered fair. Biofilms were found primarily on the cervical third and interproximal. The patient was demonstrated how to brush with a powered toothbrush and floss. Suggested the patient remove her lip piercing to prevent further mucogingival defects. The patient reported that she could practice properly on her own. She noticed an improvement in her oral health after implementing the OHI and had removed her lip piercing when she came back for 3 months recall.
The patient’s full mouth scaling treatment was completed with the use of ultrasonic scalars and hand instruments. During the initial visit, the dentist administered 72 mg lidocaine with 0.036 mg epinephrine LA. The patient tolerated the procedure well. On the patient’s request, Oraqix was used during the second appointment instead of LA. 5% sodium fluoride varnish was applied after the completion of scaling. The patient was given a copy of the FMS and a referral for caries evaluation.
Her gingival soft tissue responded favorably. When she returned for her three-month recall appointment, she appeared to have less inflammation and BOP. The patient was pleased and complied with the OHI very well.
Case #1
Ms. D, a 39-year-old Asian female, came into the clinic after her dentist informed her that she needed a deep cleaning. Her vitals were 99/63, and she had a pulse of 63. The patient was ASA2. She is allergic to Amoxicillin. She stated that she had fibroids surgery in August 2020 and that she had gestational diabetes during pregnancy but returned to normal after labor. The patient smokes e-cigarettes on a daily basis but does not consume alcohol. Her most recent dental exam and cleaning were performed in June 2022, and a panoramic digital image was taken in August 2022.
The palatal torus and mandibular lingual short frenum were noted during the extraoral and intraoral examination.
The patient has bilateral Class I occlusion. She has a 2mm overjet and a 5% overbite with an anterior edge-to-edge bite. She has generalized mild attrition. Fractures were seen on #30 and #31. #18 and #30 had Class II furcation involvement, with #18 having Class II mobility. Tooth #16 and #17 were not clinically presented.
Her gingiva was generalized cyanotic and rolled, enlarged in size with a thickened edge, shiny in texture, and bulbous interdental papilla. The anterior facial aspect was found to be flaccid. The patient had generalized severe inflammation as well as BOP.
The patient’s periodontal assessment indicated she had generalized 5-9mm PD and localized 1-2mm recession on the canines and second premolars. Generalized heavy supragingival and subgingival calculus was found.
The panoramic digital image presented by the patient revealed generalized significant bone loss more than 30%. PAP is also noted on the apex of #19.
The onboard dentist confirmed that the patient’s case value was heavy periodontitis Stage IV Grade C, which was beyond our scope of practice.
Informed and explained to the patient her oral condition. The patient was aware of the limitations of the non-surgical periodontal treatment we could provide while she required more advanced periodontal treatment. A referral was given to her for periodontal evaluation.
Clinical Skills
- Patient Care and Management
Provide a complete assessment and develop a treatment plan to meet the patient’s needs.
- Oral Prophylaxis
Perform whole-mouth prophylaxis to better control the pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity to maintain the optimal oral condition for the patient.
- Scaling and Root Planing
Remove the supragingival and subgingival calculus to promote the patient’s oral health.
- Impression taking and model pouring
Taking dental impressions and pouring dental models to cast a set of study models, bleaching trays, or fluoride trays to study or provide treatments.
- Local Anesthesia and Nitrous Oxide Induction
Administer local anesthesia or induce nitrous oxide based on the patient’s need to reduce discomfort during dental procedures.
- Arestin Placement
Place Arestin as an antimicrobial treatment to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria in the periodontal pockets.
- Digital Radiography
Expose digital images such as HBWs, VBWs, PAs, FMS, and panorex to better assess the patient’s oral condition and pathology.
- Dental Sealants Placement
Provide dental sealants treatment for the patient, especially who are at higher risk of dental caries as a primary prevention service.
- Manage Pediatric Patients
Perform oral examination, children prophylaxis, dental sealants, and fluoride treatment for pediatric patients.
Community Service
1. Service Learning Project at Buena Vida Rehabilitation & Nursing Center Denture Care Education: A Simple Guide to Care
This presentation was given at the Buena Vida Rehabilitation & Nursing Center to elderly people who wore dentures about denture maintenance. We demonstrated the OHI to elderly people using a dental model. We also taught them how to care for their dentures in order to avoid further oral diseases associated with oral appliances, such as denture stomatitis and candidiasis, and provided samples for them to practice on their own.
2. 2023 Head Start Outreach Activity at Neptune Center
This community service was performed at Neptune Center with a group of children aged 5 and up. Our goal was to draw their attention to the importance of daily home care, such as brushing and flossing. Before OHI education, my group members and I played a carton video called “Geena the Giraffe.” Following that, we demonstrated how to properly brush their teeth on the toys with teeth and had them complete hands-on practice.
3. 2023 Head Start Outreach Activity at 3017 Glenwood Center
This outreach activity was carried out at the 3017 Glenwood Center for 5-6 years old children. We provided OHI education as well as a 5% sodium fluoride varnish treatment. Before the assessment, we performed brushing method education. We exanimated their teeth and recorded the cavities during the assessment procedure. Following the screening, referrals were given. We applied 5% sodium fluoride varnish as primary prevention.
Academic Achievements
Dental Hygiene-AAS
- Principles of Dental Hygiene
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Public Health
- Embryology & Histology
- Dental Materials
- Dental Radiology
- Periodontics
- Oral Anatomy
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Microbiology
- Chemistry
- Public Speaking
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Nutrition