Design Education in Practice
As visiting professor at Pratt Institute The New school/Parson, CUNY New York City College of Technology and St John’s University I have stressed the creative process and design theory focusing on real world applications. Course syllabi focus on integrating multidisciplinary design studies and principles along with interpersonal skills to develop multifaceted designers.
As creative director at Webb Communications, I have hosted and guided international college level interns through design education and career development. I designed and supervised college credited design and marketing internships for international university students through J1 Visa exchange programs. These internships focused on training programs in graphic design, marketing, new media design and online marketing. Through supervision and evaluation interns learned: client interaction, presentations skills, marketing research skills, and online marketing.
As the Artistic Director of Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York my role created opportunities for me to work with university/college administrators, deans, public school administrators, and teachers. The objectives were to create annual educational campaigns consisting of branding and educational materials. These campaigns were distributed to colleges, universities, private and public schools throughout New York City and state.
Rovere Publishing is an education custom publishing business I launched to design and produce educational posters for museums, schools and national parks across the country. Works at: The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, The Statue of Liberty Ellis Island, The Newseum, Independence Hall National Park, Gettysb