The role I’ve taken for the rest of my internship is creative and with that responsibility, I would help the creative team with there workload from client designs. When there’s a new client pitch I composite a deck with already giving context from account and strategy teams so all I would have to do design mood boards to potentially inspire clients to want more from us. The title that supervisor currently has is the creative director’s position. With that being said how did I came to obtain this internship is through the AD Club of NY which is an organization for students to broaden their network base with recruiting agencies Which I luckily did with Eventive Marketing which was my second choice besides Rauxa.

During the interview process it was only through phone, once I found out I was apart of the 2018 summer AD Club interns my portfolio and CV was sent out from the coordinating Ericka Riggs whom I grew a business relationship for almost two years and was forwarded to the various agency members recruiting talent.  What was amazing was the callbacks for interviews from Elephant, Bullish, Rauxa, and Eventive that I schedule for a phone interview with one person HR  two or one days apart with a maximum time of 45 minutes on the phone. Eventive Marketing gladly took a chance with me then giving me the confirmation a week later. The question that was asked was  “what made me go into the field of advertising?” “Who Inspired  you?” “Why Art direction?” and lastly, ” what are you looking for in an agency?”