
Hey all.

I’m Jonathan Baez and my design goal is to hopefully achieve movie-like CGI and graphic design projects by the time that I’m done with college. I’m taking the Communications Design course in hopes that I could get closer to my goal even if it’s by an inch.

There are many types of media that inspire me but my greatest inspiration is Ash Thorp’s incredible 3D design and 2D design along with Sachin Teng’s amazing 2D illustrations. Aside from these two artists, I get heavily inspired by the work on Artstation, different video game art practices, music, and general graphic design overall.

Coming from trying to work on 3D design back in 2011, I found out that the best way I work is usually spontaneously at 3 in the morning on my computer. I have a ton of ideas and plans on how to get to them already. But they take a lot of time management aside from school and other activities to dedicate to (in which, I’m hoping this course will push me to do).

As far as I know, I would love to collaborate with upcoming digital artists on both 2D and 3D designs in hopes that both parties (or more) could learn new techniques and conquer challenges along the way together.

Thank you for visiting my site and I can’t WAIT to see what everybody brings to the table!