Social Media

This section displays the social media content-based projects Iā€™ve worked on for my internship, mainly displaying the City Tech Gender and Sexuality Instagram account I created and managed.

Flier’s and Promos

This section displays my digital projects, such as fliers and promotional ads that Iā€™ve created as an intern for the Gender and Sexuality Program. The fliers and promos are designed for program events and upcoming classes at City Tech. The main tool used for creation is an editing app called Phonto.

Course Promos

These course promos were promotional projects I created to upload on the Gender and Sexuality Programā€™s Instagram account. The purpose of making these visualsā€™ is to inform City Tech students and faculty about upcoming Fall, Spring, and Summer courses. I used the app Phonto to digitally design each piece of work. 

Skills used: Digital design andĀ Information ArchitectureĀ 

Tools used: Phonto

City Tech’s Gender and Sexuality Instagram Account

@citytechgss ā€¢ Instagram photos and videos

For this project, I was tasked to manage the Gender and Sexuality Programā€™s Instagram account. The purpose was to create an account where City Tech students could get up-to-date information about the Gender and Sexuality Studies program. To make the account successful, I kept the account organized with information, designed colorful content to appeal to the user’s eye, and focused on technical communication, like formulating links and providing detailed information to adhere to everyone’s needs. 

Skills used: Technical writing, technical communication, information architecture, deep analysis, content development, & management

Tools used: Instagram & Link Tree

Restroom Key Map

For this project, I was tasked to make a directional keymap for the student bathrooms in the Namm Complex at City Tech. I was assigned to finish this project within a timeframe of 8 hours. I used my experience of instruction writing and design making to help create this project. The directional key map focused on making clear instructions for students for easy navigation.Ā 

Skills used: Instruction writing, technical writing, time management, and dependability

Tools used: Phonto & printer 

Videos & Audios

This section displays all of my video/audio-based projects. It includes a podcast I’ve created as an intern for the Gender and Sexuality Program and shows my digital editing skills.

Healing Burnout Event Flier

For this project, I had to create a promotional sign for a Healing Burnout Event. I was given this task for my Gender and Sexuality internship, where I had to design a promotional feature for an upcoming event. Here, I used my creativity, editorial design, and information architecture skills to produce an informative, easy-to-read flier. 

Skills used: Information architecture, technical writing, organization, editorial, & design skills 

Tools used: Phonto

Fashion Show Flier

For this project, I had to create a promotional sign for a Fashion Show event. I was given this task for my Gender and Sexuality internship. Here, I used my editorial design skills to create an aesthetically appealing flier that introduces an organized set of information, such as time and place pertaining to the event. 

Skills used: technical writing, organization, information architecture, editorial & design skills

Tools used: Phonto 

G&S Podcast

The G&S Podcast is a video-based technological project I created for my Gender and Sexuality internship. The purpose is to interview and share individuals’ thoughts/experiences about Gender & Sexuality at City Tech. For this project, I used my technological editing skills to create an informative & friendly podcast. 

Skills used: interviewing, editing, content creating, technical, & experimenting

Tools used: iMovie, Cute Cut Pro, Phonto, Google Docs, & YouTube