Ernesto Research Assignment and Blog Post

The Young Men’s Christian Association, more commonly known as the YMCA, was founded in London, England, on June 6, 1844. Its’ reason to being created was to help and improve the social conditions rising towards the end of the Industrial Revolution. The Long Island City YMCA, which is one of 22 branches found in New York City, was established in 1919 and didn’t have their first building constructed until 1999. From the Long Island City YMCA I interviewed Roxana Hernandez who is the Youth and Family Admin Assistant. In the interview Roxana felt that the YMCA focuses in community and families. They offer programs that can help an individual learn a new skill and have the confidence to become better at the learned skill. Roxana states “As an organization we are diverse and do not turn anyone away.” This says a lot about their organization, they are there to support anyone and everyone that is in need of assistance.  Some of the few activities they hold are: sports, daycare, dance, group exercise classes, and swimming. At the moment the programs that are most successful would have to be swimming and day camp. Swimming which is a skill that serves all ages and day camp which engages with children and gives them a place to spend time during the summer as well as after school. However, there are some obstacles the YMCA is still trying to overcome such as increasing space so that more programs can be available as well as increasing staff members to keep the programs running properly. Every year the YMCA holds an annual campaign which is to help families and individuals to participate in a program even though they may not have the financial funds to attend the program. The funds that they collect are given to the individuals in the community which include, family membership, summer camp, and swimming. As well as a variety of free programs such as after school, and community event that are open to the public. Through this interview I was able to learn and understand how an organization like the YMCA has and is still continuing to may an impact on my community.

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