Samira Sultan. Local Research Assignment and Blog Post

Samira Sultan

English 1101

In Astoria, New York, Maria a staff member in communications for the non profit organization CIANA  is asked a few questions portaining to the organization. What is CIANA? CIANA helps to adapt immigrants into the American society while keeping their strong heritage in which they come from. Maria states, “Our main objective is to eliminate the idea of taking power over an immigrant who appears to be new to the way the American system works.” She also says, “We aim to reach to those who come from very culturally oriented backgrounds, sometimes it can be hard to adapt to a new environment where there aren’t many traditional practices since we live in such a diverse place, it can be easy to lose your own heritage as you try to adjust to the new setting”. To sum it up the main audience targeted through this organization are the new coming “immigrants coming from highly traditional societies”. CIANA does this through their various programs which educate these immigrants on the American system and help to direct them to a path to get legalized. CIANA offers several programs for different groups of people in need of various benefits. “You can check out the different programs on our website at” she says. After looking deeper into the website, one of the most recent programs that have been opened is the, Middle School SONYC After School Program. This program offers academic support to middle school students, particularly immigrants or students of different ethnicicities. These programs offered through the organization are ran by recruited volunteers. In order to have these programs, many resources are needed to be provided and since it is non profit, fundings are needed. This organization is in partnerships with several other public and private organizations, which are funded through government agencies in NYC. The organization expands through these fundings. Along with these fundings donations are taken from anyone willing to support this organization, by becoming a monthly supporter, paying $50 a month. “One months payment supports one entire English class” says the interviewee.CIANA teaches these people to become self sufficient using the resources they have around them, they hope to “eliminate the margiliazation of new immigrants.” This allows all cultures in a society to work together as one and creates a society of free expression where everyone is able to be equal disregarding where they come from. “We strive to make the community stronger diversely and to come together as one to take pride in the different heritages they hold”







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