Culmination Project

Withered Title Artwork
“Withered | Short Horror Film” by Buried Hatchet Productions.

Culmination Agreement : Culmination Project Agreement

Meeting Form w/ Nikki D’Agostino : Meeting Form

Project Proposal :  Culmination Proposal _ Jorge Martinez

Poster : Culmination Poster 

Behind the Music :  Creating the Title Card Sound  | Making The Music Part 1  | Making The Music Part 2 | Making The Music Part 3 | Making The Music  Part 4 | Making The Music Part 5

Music : Sound Track

Videos of Foley : Videos of creating Foley

Foley Sounds : Folder contains raw recording file of the Foley, the edited version, and sounds sourced online :  Foley Folder _ Jorge Martinez

Presentation : Slides

Reflection : Reflection Paper

30 Second Clip

My Final Version : Withered | Jorge Martinez