
Local Community


Part 1

Merriam-webster defines ā€œlocalā€ as an adjective with many definitions listed below.

1: characterized by or relating to position in space : having a definite spatial form or location

2a: of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place : not general or widespread

b: of, relating to, or applicable to part of a whole

3a: primarily serving the needs of a particular limited district

bof a public conveyance : making all the stops on a route

4: involving or affecting only a restricted part of the organism : TOPICAL

a local anesthetic

5: of or relating to telephone communication within a specified area


Part 2

In the real world, people use local when describing something nearby. For example, one might mention a product they got at their local grocery store. When they say this they are referring to a store that is close to them. Another way that people use local in real life is with the trains. With many lines, there are express trains which pass stops that arenā€™t as used in an effort to speed up the train service. However there are also local trains which are the trains that make every stop, including the ones that are unpopular.


Part 3

In regards to a community, the word local refers to a relative distance. This means that a local community is a community that is near to you. A community located far away is not to be considered a local community. The distance, however, is relative, a faraway community could still be considered local because what is considered to be a faraway distance is up for you to decide.Ā 

An example of a local community can be a neighborhood church. It is a community because it is of a group of people with a common interest and it is local because it is nearby. People from around the area coming together as a result of a common interest or motive is what a local community is all about.Ā 

An extra element is added to the idea of a community when it is related to a common motive. The idea of a common motive refers to people gathering to achieve a similar outcome. The difference is an interest is something members in that community likes but a motive specifically means the group is trying to make a change and accomplish something. A great example of this can be a school or more specifically, a college. Everyone is there for a common motive which is to put in the effort to come out with a degree. While the college is a community, it is only considered as a local community if the college is nearby. A church would also fall under this idea because there is a common motive of everyone there, and that is to practice their religious beliefs.

Another example that would fall under this idea of a common motive is a protest. When there is a reason for a protest, people reach out on social media and to the local community and search for people who strongly agree that a change needs to occur but more specifically, they look for people who are also willing to protest. An example could be the A21 Walk for Freedom, which is a protest against human trafficking. Other people within the local area who also agree that there needs to be more attention spent on human trafficking hear about the protest, and as a result, they go and join the protest. Because the protest consists of people who live nearby, it is considered to be a local community.

Another example of a local community could relate to a concert. Generally, a singer or band would have a fan base and they can be referred to as a community. If a concert happens in Germany, a fan in New York is still part of the community but not the local community of fans. However, if a concert occurs in a town, then everyone meeting up there who are fans of the band and are part of the same local community because the people there live closeby.

To sum up, local communities are when a group of people from around the area come together either because they are interested in something or have a strong desire to accomplish something. Great examples include churches, schools, protest groups, and concerts. People living close by are what sets a local community apart from a regular community.

Part 4

Seen above is a photo of British power metal band Dragonforce performing live in the Electric Ballroom located in London, England. This concert is an example of a local community. The people here are gathered because of a common interest and that is the band Dragonforce. Members of the audience live in the area and are therefore part of the local community. As a fan of the band Dragonforce, I am still part of the community but I am not part of that local community as I do not live near that area in London, England.


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