11 thoughts on “HW07

  1. Evan Snyder

    I’m very interested in the idea of presenting a visual display for both the food itself as well as its constituent ingredients to provide greater context and texture, including perhaps the individual materials and processes involved. (Additionally, perhaps an iPad could be integrated into the display to show imagery of food being prepared, ingredients being harvested, etc.)

  2. Apples

    Here is some research on the Culinary Olympis.

    Examples on design displays for Culinary Olympics:


    Various plating designs:

    2012 International Culinary Olympics

    This edition, # 8 in the Kochkunst in Bildern series, presents the entries from the 2008 International Culinary Olympics held in Germany. Full color photographs of the finished entries are shown together with a description of the platter and identification of the chef and country represented.

    Google image search:



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